Third World Studies
Blowing in the Wind: Deforestation and Long-range Implications
. By Sutlive
Vinson H.
, Altschuler
, and Zamora
Mario D.
. Williamsburg
: College of William and Mary, Department of Anthropology
, 1981
.Global Deforestation and the Nineteenth-Century World Economy
. Edited by Tucker
Richard P.
and Richards
J. F.
. Durham
: Duke University Press
, 1983
.Natural Resources and Development in Arid Regions
. Edited by Campos-López
and Anderson
Robert J.
. Boulder
: Westview Press
, 1983
.The Performance of Soldiers as Governors: African Politics and the African Military
. Edited by Mowoe
Isaac James
. Washington, D.C.
: University Press of America
, 1980
.Power and Protest in the Countryside: Studies of Rural Unrest in Asia, Europe, and Latin America
. Edited by Weller
Robert P.
and Guggenheim
Scott E.
.Soldiers, Peasants, and Bureaucrats: Civil-Military Relations in Communist and Modernizing Societies
. By Kolkowicz
and Kokbonski
. Winchester, Mass.
: Allen and Unwin
, 1982
.Unfinished Liberation of Chinese Women, 1949-1980
. By Andors
. Bloomington
: Indiana University Press
, 1983
.Where Have All the Flowers Gone? Deforestation in the Third World
. By Sutlive
Vinson H.
, Altschuler
, and Zamora
Mario D.
. Williamsburg
: College of William and Mary, Department of Anthropology
, 1981
.Copyright 1984 by Duke University Press