Other Books Received
A. Aculturacão dos Alemães no Brasil
. By Willems
. São Paulo
: Companhia Editora Nacional
, 1980
. Tables. Illustrations. Index
. Pp. xii
, 465
. Paper
.Acumulación de capital y empresas transnacionales en Centroamérica
. By Rivas
Donald Castillo
. Mexico City
: Siglo Veintiuno Editores
, 1980
. Tables. Appendixes. Bibliography
. Pp. 277
. Paper
.Adivinanzas españolas de la tradición popular actual de México, principalmente de las regiones Puebla-Tlaxcala
. By Beutler
. Wiesbaden
: Franz Steiner Verlag GMBH
, 1979
. Bibliography. Appendixes. Glossary. Maps
. Pp. 106
. Cloth
.La agonía de una dictadura
. By Ignatiev
and Borovik
. Moscow
: Editorial Progreso
, 1980
. Illustrations
. Pp. 189
. Paper
.América Latina: Los desafíos del tiempo fecundo
. By Spoerer
. Mexico City
: Siglo Veintiuno Editores
, 1980
. Pp. 151
. Paper
.An American Historian: Essays to Honor Selig Adler
. Edited by Plesuv
. Buffalo
: State University of New York at Buffalo
, 1980
. Pp. 244
. Paper
.El anarquismo y la clase obrera mexicana, 1860-1931
. By Hart
John M.
. Mexico City
: Siglo Veintiuno Editores
, 1980
. Bibliography
. Pp. 244
. Paper
.Benjy Lopez: A Picaresque Tale of Emigration and Return
. By Levine
Barry B.
. New York
: Basic Books, Inc.
, 1980
. Bibliography
. Pp. xxxvii
, 202
.Boletín de Historia y Antigüedades—enero a diciembre 1978, enero a junio 1979
. Academia Colombiana de Historia
. Bogotá
: Biblioteca Eduardo Santos
, 1980
. Paper
.Capitán mestizo: Miguel Caldera y la frontera norteña, La pacificación de los chichimecas (1548-1597)
. By Powell
Philip Wayne
. Mexico City
: Fondo de Cultura Económica
, 1980
. Maps. Illustrations. Appendixes. Bibliographies
. Pp. 382
. Paper
.Commodity Markets and Latin American Development: A Modeling Approach
. Edited by Labys
Walter C.
, Nadiri
M. Ishaq
, and del Arco
José Núñez
. Cambridge, Mass.
: Ballinger Publishing Co
., 1980
. Tables. Appendix. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. xv
, 280
. Cloth. $20.00
.A Corte de Portugal no Brasil
. By Norton
. São Paulo
: Companhia Editora Nacional
, 1979
. Bibliography
. Pp. 338
. Paper
.Cuentos Chicanos
. Edited by Anaya
Rudolfo A.
and Márquez
. Albuquerque
: University of New Mexico Department of American Studies
, 1980
. Pp. 109
. Paper. $3.50
.De la Terre Plate au Globe Terrestre: Une Mutation Epistemologique Rapide 1480-1520
. By Randles
W. G. L.
. Paris
: Librairie Armand Colin
, 1980
. Bibliography. Notes
. Pp. 120
. Paper
.Feathered Serpent: The Rise and Fall of the Aztecs
. By Karen
. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
: Four Winds Press
, 1980
. Illustrations. Glossary
. Pp. 184
. Cloth. $9.95
.Folklore and Mythology Studies: 31 Hispanic Legends from New Mexico
. Edited by Robe
Stanley L.
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 1980
. Pp. 548
. Paper. $24.50
.Fronteras abiertas: Expansionismo y geopolítica en el Brasil contemporáneo
. By Martínez
Pedro Fernando Castro
. Mexico City
: Siglo Veintiuno Editores
, 1980
. Bibliography
. Pp. 205
. Paper
.Gabriel García Márquez: An Annotated Bibliography, 1947-1979
. Comp, by Fau
Margaret Eustella
. Westport, Conn.
: Greenwood Press
, 1980
. Pp. 198
. Cloth. $27.50
.The Germans
. By Eich
. Trans. by Glenny
. New York
: Scarborough Books
, 1980
. Pp. 254
. Paper. $5.95
.A Greve da Rosa
. By Pompeu
. São Paulo
: Editora Alfa-Omega
, 1980
. Pp. 171
. Paper
.HAPI Thesaurus and Name Authority, 1975-1977
. Edited by HAPI
. Los Angeles
: UCLA Latin American Center
, 1980
. Pp. 113
. Paper. $20.00
.Historia de España: Introducción. Primeras culturas e Hispania romana
. Vol. 1
. By de Lara
Manuel Tuñón
, Tarradell
, and Mangas
. Barcelona
: Editorial Labor
, 1980
. Pp. 479
. Paper
.A History of Brazil
. By Burns
E. Bradford
. New York
: Columbia University Press
, 1980
. Illustrations. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. x
, 579
.Homenaje a D. Jesús Pabón HI. Revista de la Universidad Complutense: Estudios de historia moderna y contemporánea
. Núm. 116
. Madrid
: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
, 1980
. Pp. 548
. Paper
.Imperial Sunset: The Fall of Napoleon, 1813-14
. By Delderfield
R. F.
. New York
: Scarborough Books
, 1980
. Notes. Index
. Pp. x
, 300
. Paper. $6.95
.Indice de publicaciones periódicas de universidades dominicanas
. Vol. II
. Santo Domingo
: Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo
, 1980
. Bibliography. Tables
. Pp. 182
. Paper
.José Batlle y Ordóñez of Uruguay
. By Vanger
Milton I.
. Waltham, Mass.
: Brandeis University Press
, 1980
. Illustrations. Maps. Bibliography. Notes. Index
. Pp. xix
, 320
. Cloth. $25.25
.José Martí: Thoughts/Pensamientos. A Bilingual Anthology
. By Ripoll
. New York
: Eliseo Torres and Sons, Las Americas Publishing Co.
, 1980
. Pp. 123
. Cloth. $10.00
.Livro dos Guardiães do Convento de São Francisco da Bahia (1587-1862)
. Rio de Janeiro
: Ministerio da Educação e Cultura
, 1978
. Illustrations. Chronology. Notes. Appendix. Bibliography
. Pp. 124
. Paper
.Mexicans in Oklahoma
. By Smith
Michael M.
. Norman
: University of Oklahoma Press
, 1980
. Bibliography. Notes. Illustrations. Maps
. Pp. 78
. Paper. $2.95
.Mexican Women in the United States: Struggles Past and Present
. Edited by Mora
and del Castillo
Adelaida R.
. Los Angeles
: Chicano Studies Research Center
, 1980
. Pp. 204
. Paper. $12.75
.Mexico: The Quest for a U.S. Policy
. By Smith
Peter H.
. New York
: Foreign Policy Association
, 1980
. Illustrations. Bibliography
. Pp. 32
. Paper. $2.00
.Los molinos de la ira: Pronóstico sobre la situación en América Latina
. By Barreiro
. Mexico City
: Siglo Veintiuno Editores
, 1980
. Bibliography
. Pp. 266
. Paper
.Monarquía indiana
. By de Torquemada
Fray Juan
. Mexico City
, 1979
. Pp. 478
. Paper
.Não às Usinas Nucleares
. By Morais
. São Paulo
: Editora Alfa-Omega
, 1980
. pp. 51
. Paper
.New Directions in Psychohistory
. Edited by Albin
. Lexington, Mass.
: D. c. Heath Company
, 1980
. pp. 217
. Cloth
.The New Totalitarians
. By Huntford
. New York
: Scarborough Books
, 1980
. pp. 354
. Paper. $8.95
.Pequena Introdução ao Desenvolvimento: Enfoque Interdisciplinar
. By Furtado
. São Paulo
: Companhia Editora Nacional
, 1980
. Figures
, pp. xii
, 161
. Paper
.Política e Sociedade
. Vol. I. Edited by Cardoso
Fernando Henrique
and Martins
Carlos Estevan
. São Paulo
: Companhia Editora Nacional
, 1979
. Pp. 433
. Paper
.A Revolução Farroupilha
. By Spalding
. São Paulo
: Companhia Editora Nacional
, 1980
. Bibliography
, Pp. 226
. Paper
.Rural Development and Urban-Bound Migration in Mexico
. By Silvers
and Crosson
Pierre R.
. Baltimore
: The Johns Hopkins University Press
, 1980
. Tables. Appendix
, Pp. viii
, 150
. Paper. $6.95
.Sistema educativo dominicano: Diagnóstico y perspectivas
. By Fernández
Jorge Max
. Santo Domingo
: Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo
, 1980
. Bibliography. Tables
, Pp. 182
. Paper
.Sobre educación superior
. By Latorre
. Santo Domingo
: Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo
, 1980
. Appendixes. Bibliography
. Pp. 235
. Paper
.Southwestern Colonial Ironwork: The Spanish Blacksmithing Tradition from Texas to California
. By Simmons
and Turley
. Santa Fe
: Museum of New Mexico Press
, 1980
. Illustrations. Bibliography. Notes
. Pp. 199
. Paper
.Spain and the American Civil War: Relations at Mid-Century, 1855-1868
. By Cortada
James w.
. Philadelphia
: American Philosophical Society
, 1980
. Bibliography. Notes
. Pp. 121
. Paper
.Subsídios para a História da Música no Rio Grande do Sul
. By Real
Antônio Corte
. Pôrto Alegre
: Editora da Urgs
, 1980
. Illustrations. Tables. Bibliography. Appendixes
, Pp. 255
. Paper
.Copyright 1981 by Duke University Press