In this brief examination of the results of disamortization of ecclesiastical property in the state of Boyacá, Fernando Díaz Díaz has begun to fill a considerable gap in nineteenth-century Colombian historiography. The study is based on published primary sources and notarial archives, but the author’s failure to gain access to ecclesiastical archives renders the conclusions tentative. In the first three chapters, Díaz Díaz reviews the mid-century anticlerical measures which culminated in the 1861 disamortization decree, he asserts that Colombia’s economic problems, specifically a growing foreign debt, were the principal causes of the decree, and he briefly analyzes the motives of the decree’s architect, President Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera. The author concludes that in Boyacá both Liberals and Conservatives purchased Church property, the influential class obtained most of it, and rural credit became more expensive for small proprietors because the measure destroyed the Church as a lending institution.