Type the manuscript on one side of 8½ × 11-inch bond of medium weight. One quality copy, preferably xeroxed, should be submitted with the original. Double space throughout, including footnotes and quotations. Leave ample margins on every page. Place footnotes (double spaced) on separate sheets following the text.
Tables. Follow the instructions presented in the University of Chicago Press’s Manual of Style. Tables will generally be set from a different font and should be typed on separate paper, following the footnotes. Indicate in the margin of the text the correct location of the table.
Figures. Professional quality, camera-ready copy is needed. The main requirements are: plain, unlined, white paper; India ink; use of dots and dashes, rather than color, to distinguish between lines; captions and legends done with a carbon ribbon. An HAHR page has the effective size of 4¼" wide by 7¼" deep; the original should retain these proportions, best at double size for photographing. The finished product should at all cost remain unfolded.
In general, the form of all material published in the HAHR will follow the MLA Style Sheet, 2nd ed. If the Style Sheet does not cover a point adequately, consult the latest edition of the University of Chicago Press’s A Manual of Style or Webster’s Third New International Dictionary.
The acronym HAHR is to be used throughout text and footnotes when this Review is mentioned or cited. Consult current HAHR issues for correct form of headings and signatures for book reviews and book notices. Accents are not used on capital letters. “Latin American” and “Hispanic American ’ are not hyphenated, even though used adjectivally, unless they are hyphenated in the title of a book or article, in the name of an institution, or in a quotation. A comma precedes the conjunction joining the last member in a series of three or more. In titles of books and articles in Spanish and Portuguese, capitalize only the first word and names of persons and places; however, in titles of series, journals, and newspapers, capitalize all major words, e.g., Gaceta Ministerial de Chile and El Tiempo. For the correct spelling and accenting of all geographical words, follow Webster’s Geographical Dictionary. Dates in text should follow these examples:
September 4, 1951
September 1951
seventeenth-century spelling persisted into the eighteenth century
“Op. cit.” is never used. Instead, use author’s last name and short title, whether or not more than one work by the same author is referred to. “Ibid.” and “passim” are not italicized. Omit the names of publishers from footnote references. Page citations should appear as pp. 445-487, not 445-87. Abbreviate the month for dates in footnotes, e.g., Sept. 4, 1951.
Periodicals and Newspapers. When citing articles from periodicals, the volume number appears in arabic numerals, followed by open parenthesis, month and year, parenthesis closed, page numbers only (without pp.). Example:
3. Antonine Tibesar, O.F.M., “The Alternativa: Spanish-Creole Relations in Seventeenth-Century Peru,” The Americas, 11 (Jan. 1955), 229-282.
The issue number should be included, prior to the parenthesis, only if the month or season does not appear in the journal. Example:
4. Antonio Pagés Larraya, “Unamuno y la valoración crítica del ‘Martin Fierro,’” Logos, 7:12 (1972), 13-30.
When citing newspapers, give the date as above, and omit column number, as well as volume or issue number.
Interviews. Identify person interviewed, place, and date.
Archival Footnotes. First, identify the specific document. Titles of unpublished works are not italicized. Avoid unnecessary detail. Usually suspensive points can be used to avoid lengthy titles in archival footnotes. Consider the date of the document as part of its title. For a letter or dispatch: give name of writer (complete only on first reference), name of addressee, place of writing, date. In the case of governmental documentation that is filed by an administrative unit, it is more important to cite the office held by the correspondent than to give the officeholder’s name. When identifying writers of documents by title rather than name, capitalize initials, thus: Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores. Abbreviate such titles after first use.
Second, give the location of the document. Proceed from the larger to the smaller and more specific indications. Thus, 1) name of archive in language of country, and—on first citation only—location of the archive; 2) section or subdivision of the archive; 3) volume or other equivalent such as legajo, using arabic, not roman, numerals. Recto and verso references are not usually necessary; however, when needed, use roman lowercase without intervening space or punctuation, e.g., fol. 495v. Archives cited more than once should be abbreviated, usually with initials without period (except that U.S. always appears with periods).
Examples of first citation (archival footnoting);
23. Domingo Faustino Sarmiento to Juan Pujol, Buenos Aires, May 22, 1860, Archivo General de la Nación, Buenos Aires, Archivo del General Justo José de Urquiza (hereafter cited as AGN, Urquiza), leg. 67.
24. Lefebre de Bécourt to Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mexico City, Sept. 23, 1861, Archives du Département des Affaires Etrangères, Paris (hereafter cited as AAE), Correspondence Politique (hereafter cited as CP), Vol. 38, fol. 231.
Examples of same material upon subsequent citation:
25. Sarmiento to Pujol, Buenos Aires, May 22, 1860, AGN, Urquiza, leg. 67.
26. Lefebre de Bécourt to Min. of For. Affairs, Mexico City, Sept. 23, 1861, AAE, CP, Vol. 38, fol. 231.
If various archives are cited frequently, the first note may read as follows:
1. This article is based on materials consulted in the following Spanish archives: Archivo General de Indias, Sevilla, Archivo General de Simancas, and Archivo Histórico Nacional, Madrid (abbreviated hereafter as AGI, AGS, and AHN, respectively).
Use no italics for words found in Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged. Authors may be surprised at the number of Spanish and Portuguese words included in it, e.g., alcalde, audiencia, barrio, caciquismo, cédula, compadrazgo, comunidades, conquistador, conto, cenote, criollo, cruzado, estancieros, fazenda, fundo, hermandad, insurrectos, maguey, manta, maravedí, mayordomo, mita, pulque, quinta, reales, reis, repartimiento, síndico, tienda, zambo.
In addition to those in Webster’s Third, the HAHR considers the following words as anglicized: agregado, alcabala, alvará, câmara, consulado, crioulo, dona, doña, fidalgo, fuero, hidalguía, juiz, lavrador, legajo, machismo, mayorazgo, mercedes, mestizaje, morador, moreno, morgado, municipio, municipio, oidor, ouvidor, pardo, peão, peninsulares, porfiriato, porteños, quiteños, recôncavo, reconquista, relação, roça, senhor de engenho, tomo, veciño, visita, zona da mata.
All other foreign words are italicized throughout.