At the December dinner meeting of the Editorial Boards of the HAHR, a Screening Committee composed of Professors Charles Gibson and Charles Hale recommended approval of the bid from the University of Arizona to serve as the new editorial home of the journal for the five-year period beginning next fall. Professor Michael Meyer was proposed as Managing Editor. After discussion, the Board of Editors endorsed the recommendation of the Screening Committee, and Duke University has formalized our action. Assisting Professor Meyer, beginning with the February 1976 issue, will be Professor Ursula Lamb as Associate Editor, and Professors George Brubaker and Donna J. Guy as Book Review Editors.

Professor Meyer already has visited Austin and Durham to arrange for a smooth transition. While the current editorial staff will be responsible through the November 1975 issue, manuscripts should be directed to the new Editor beginning June 1, 1975.

On behalf of the present editorial staff and in the name of the members of the Board of Editors, I would like to take this opportunity to express my pleasure at the selection of Professor Meyer to succeed the present Managing Editor. We wish him and his colleagues success during the coming years in the performance of this important professional responsibility.


Dr. A. Curtis Wilgus has requested that scholars be informed about the use of the James A. Robertson Papers in the Library of Congress. The papers of James Alexander Robertson were deposited in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress after his death in 1939. Heretofore the papers had been reserved for the use of Professor Wilgus who, with Mrs. Robertson, assembled the collection. Professor Wilgus advised Dr. Roy P. Basler, Chief of the Manuscript Division, that he felt that the papers should be generally made available to interested and qualified scholars for research purposes. Dr. Basler has concurred in that recommendation, and the papers in question are now open to all qualified scholars.
