Other Books Received
Another Place: Photographs of a Maya Community
. By Cancian
. San Francisco
, 1974
. Scrimshaw Press
. Illustrations
. Pp. 93
. Cloth. $12.50; Paper. $6.95
.The Architecture and Art of Early Hispanic Colorado
. By Adams
. Boulder
, 1974
. Colorado Associated University Press
. Illustrations. Map. Appendix
. Pp. vi
, 234
. Cloth. $10.00
.A Catalog of Filipiniana at Valladolid
. Edited by Tubangui
Helen R.
. Foreword by Rodríguez
O.S.A. Manila
, 1973
. Ateneo de Manila, University Press, Quezon City
. Ateneo de Manila Bibliographical Series, 4
. Indices
. Pp. XV
, 364
. Cloth. $14.25
.Catálogo número 3 del programa de historia oral
. By Meyer
. México
, 1974
. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Departamento de Etnología y Antropología Social
. Serie, 5
. Pp. 14
. Paper
.Cecília Meireles. Notícia biográfica, estudo crítico, antología, discografía, partituras
. By Zagury
. Petrópolis
, 1973
. Editora Vozes
. Coleção Poetas Modernos do Brasil, 3
. Illustrations. Figures
. Pp. 181
. Paper
.Chamulas in the World of the Sun: Time and Space in a Maya Oral Tradition
. By Gossen
Gary H.
. Cambridge
, 1974
. Harvard University Press
. Maps. Illustrations. Figures. Appendices. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. xvii
, 382
. Cloth. $15.00
.Chilean Universities: Problems of Autonomy and Dependence
. By Fagen
Patricia Weiss
. Beverly Hills, California
, 1973
. Sage Publications
. Tables
. Pp. 52
. Paper. $2.40
.La conquête de L’Amérique espagnole
. By Mahn-Lot
. Paris
, 1974
. Presses Universitaires de France
. Que sais-je, 1584. Map
. Pp. 127
. Paper
.Conquistadors without Swords: Archaeologists in the Americas
. By Deuel
. New York
, 1974
. Schocken Books
. Maps. Illustrations. Figures. Index
. Pp. xix
, 599
. Paper. $7.50
.Crimson Desert: Indian Wars of the American Southwest
. By Faulk
Odie B.
. New York
, 1974
. Oxford University Press
. Maps. Illustrations. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. xi
, 237
. Cloth. $8.95
.La dimensión histórica en el presente de América Latina y Venezuela
. Tres Conferencias
. By Damas
Germán Carrera
. Caracas
, 1972
. Universidad Central de Venezuela
. Tables. Appendices
. Pp. 103
. Paper
.Documentación realista sobre la Batalla Naval del Lago de Maracaibo
. Compiled by Carlo
Agustín Millares
and Díaz
Carlos Sánchez
. Maracaibo
, 1973
. Fundación Rotaría de Maracaibo
. Tables. Illustrations
. Pp. xix
, 171
. Paper
.Empires to Nations: Expansion in America, 1713-1824
. By Savelle
. Foreword by Shafer
Boyd C.
. Minneapolis
, 1974
. University of Minnesota Press
.Europe and the World in the Age of Expansion, 5. Maps
. Illustrations. Tables. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. xxi
, 335
. Cloth. $11.50
.Ensaios sobre a Política e a Economia da Província Fluminense no Sécalo XIX
. Edited by Graham
. Preface by Preis
Aidyl de Carvalho
. Foreword by Lima
. Rio de Janeiro
, 1974
. Impresso no Arquivo Nacional for Universidade Federal Fluminense
. Tables
. Pp. 287
. Paper
.El folklore de las luchas sociales. Un ensayo de folklore y marxismo
. By de Carvalho-Neto
. México
, 1973
. Siglo XXI. Colección Mínima, 64. Tables. Bibliography
. Pp. 217
. Paper
.Foreign Relations of the United States, 1949. Vol. III: Council of Foreign Ministers; Germany and Austria
. By the Department of State
. Preface by Franklin
William M.
. Washington, D.C.
, 1974
. Historical Office, Bureau of Public Affairs. Department of State Publication
, 8752. Tables. Illustrations. Index
. Pp. xxv
, 1324
. Cloth. $14.55
.Hispano-Arabic Strophic Poetry
. By Stern
Samuel Miklos
. Edited by Harvey
L. P.
. New York
, 1974
. Oxford University Press
. Illustrations. Appendices. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. xv
, 252
. Cloth. $25.75
.Latin American Revolutionary Poetry: A Bilingual Anthology
. Edited by Márquez
. New York
, 1974
. Monthly Review Press
. Pp. 505
. Cloth. $16.50
.Mars Moves South: The Future Wars of South America
. By Arbaiza
Norman D.
. Jericho, New York
, 1974
. Exposition Press
. Maps. Index
. Pp. 87
. Cloth. $6.00
.Milton Campos. Testemunhos e ensinamentos
. Edited by de Carvalho
Antônio Gontijo
. Rio de Janeiro
, n.d.
Livraria José Olympio Editôra
. Coleção Documentos Brasileiros, 154
. Pp. xii
, 317
. Paper
.Modern Brazilian Short Stories
. Translated by Grossman
William L.
. Berkeley
, 1974
. University of California Press
. Pp. 167
. Paper
.The New Professional in Venezuelan Secondary Education
. By La Belle
Thomas J.
with Van Orman
Jan R.
. Los Angeles
, 1973
. Latin American Center, University of California
. Latin American Studies, 23
. Tables. Appendices. Bibliography
. Pp. xvi
, 195
. Paper. $6.50
.The North Atlantic World in the Seventeenth Century
. By Davies
K. G.
. Foreword by Shafer
Boyd C.
. Minneapolis
, 1974
. University of Minnesota Press
. Europe and the World in the Age of Expansion, 4
. Maps. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. xiv
, 366
. Cloth. $11.00
.Para una ética de la liberación latinoamericana
. Vol. I
. By Dussel
Enrique D.
. Buenos Aires
, 1973
. Siglo Veintiuno
. Tables. Appendices. Bibliography
. Pp. 197
. Paper
.Popol Vuh: Structure and Meaning
. By McClear
. New York
, 1972
. Plaza Mayor Ediciones
. Colección Scholar, 19
. Bibliography
. Pp. 140
. Paper
.The Rising American Empire
. By Van Alstyne
R. W.
. New York
, 1974
. W. W. Norton and Company
. Maps. Index
. Pp. ix
, 215
. Paper. $2.95
.Rodrigo Sánchez de Arénalo, Alcaide de Sant’Angelo
. By Laboa
Juan Mabía
. Foreword by García-Villoslada
S. J. Madrid
, 1973
. Fundación Universitaria Española, Seminario Nebrija. Fundación Universitaria Española
, 8. Appendices. Bibliography
. Pp. 433
. Paper
.San Francisco, 1846-1856: From Hamlet to City
. By Lotchin
Roger W.
. Foreword by Wade
Richard C.
. New York
, 1974
. Oxford University Press
. Maps. Illustrations. Index
. Pp. xxii
, 406
. Cloth. $12.50
.Social Science Research Council: The First Fifty Years
. By Sibley
. Foreword by Sheldon
Eleanor Bernert
. New York
, 1974
. Social Science Research Council
. Appendices. Index
. Pp. vii
, 141
. Paper. $3.00
.The Spiritual Conquest of México: An Essay on the Apostolate and the Evangelizing Methods of the Mendicant Orders in New Spain: 1523-1572
. By Ricard
. Translated by Simpson
Lesley Byrd
. Berkeley
, 1974
. University of California Press
. Illustrations. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. xii
, 423
. Cloth
.Tercera parte de la tragicomedia de Celestina
. By de Toledo
Gaspar Gómez
. Edited by Barrick
Mac E.
. Philadelphia
, 1973
. University of Pennsylvania Press
. Illustrations. Figures. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. ix
, 597
. Cloth. $30.00
.Twenty Episodes in the Life of Pancho Villa
. By Torres
Elías L.
. Translated by Ohlendorf
Sheila M.
. Austin
, 1973
. The Encino Press
. Glossary. Bibliography
. Pp. xi
, 107
. Cloth. $7.50
.Universities in Transition: The U.S. Presence in Latin American Higher Education
. Edited by Renner
Richard R.
. Gainesville
, 1973
. Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida
. Pp. vii
, 147
. Paper
.Copyright 1975 by Duke University Press