Belgium’s Latin American Documentary Information Center (INDAL), located at Haverlee (near Louvain), has begun to serve increasing numbers of Latin Americanists with its background volumes on Latin American revolutionary movements, with special emphasis on Uruguay. The first INDAL Dossier was entitled Latin American Guerrillas, the second volume concentrated on the Uruguayan Communist Party (PCU), and the third volume dealt with the Broad Front (FA) coalition of leftist political forces and the FA’s success in bringing the Christian Democratic Party (PDC) into that coalition. Volume four concentrated on the FA in the 1971 elections.

Now comes Dossier INDAL No. 5, which confines itself to documents issued by and about the Movimiento de Liberación Nacional (MLN), widely known as the Tupamaros. Thoroughly researching the publications of the PCU, the FA, the Uruguayan Socialist Party (PSU), and almost everything in print about the MLN, the Belgian center then amassed 67 documents ranging from explanations about urban guerrilla tactics to manifestoes of the MLN calling for radical programs under a proposed Marxist dictatorship of the people.

For those following Latin American guerrilla movements, this volume may be of interest. For those researching the Tupamaros specifically, it becomes indispensable. For Latin American collections in university libraries, it must become an available reference.