The Committee on Brazilian Studies of CLAH has designated the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros as depository of American scholarly works pertaining to Brazil. All Brazilianists are urged to send copies of their dissertations, articles, and books to the following address:

  • Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros

  • Universidade de São Paulo

  • Cidade Universitária Armando de Salles Oliveira

  • Edifício Geografía-História

  • Caixa Postal 11154

  • São Paulo, S.P.

  • Brasil

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The second revised edition of the National Directory of Latin Americanists has been published by the Library of Congress. Copies are for sale at $4.25 from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.

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A new series of publications has been launched by the Council of International Studies at the State University of New York at Buffalo. They are issued in mimeographed form and average about 50 pages in length. The first numbers include papers of particular interest to historians by Albert L. Michaels on “The Mexican Election of 1940,” George Strawbridge on “Ibáñez and Alessandri,” and Joseph R. Barager on “Perón and the Argentine Democratic Parties, 1943-1946.” Other disciplines are also represented.

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A number of friends and colleagues of Frank Tannenbaum have wanted to perpetuate his memory in a meaningful way which could reflect his values and goals as a teacher and as a person. A fund has been established to support Frank Tannenbaum Fellowships in Latin American Studies. The fund would be used for research in Latin America by Columbia scholars with emphasis given to student support. Limited funds would also be available for fellowships at Columbia University including some students from Latin America.

Checks should be made payable to Columbia University and sent to the Institute of Latin American Studies, Columbia University, International Affairs Building, 420 West 118th Street, New York, N.Y. 10027. Please note “Frank Tannenbaum Fellowship Fund” on your check.

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Donald M. Dozer, Professor of History at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has been named as the recipient of this year’s Alberdi-Sarmiento award. Professor Dozer is the first North American selected for this award since 1954. Presentation of the award was made in the auditorium of La Prensa in Buenos Aires on May 19th.

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Professor Stanley Hilton of Williams College was one of eight persons, four Americans and four Brazilians, awarded the Order of Rio Branco for contributions related to good relations between the two countries.

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Of interest to teachers of Latin American history and to specialized libraries are various newsletters that have come across our desk in recent months. Presenting a “left-liberal” and/or radical point of view on current developments in the hemisphere and often deriving support at least in part from North American church groups, they are of interest both because of their perspective and for the collation of otherwise neglected factual information. The first one listed has been in existence for several years, but the others appear to be more ephemeral in nature. We have included addresses and price for the individual subscriptions for the convenience of interested readers. From time to time we will present similar information about other newsletters representing other viewpoints.

  1. NACLA’s Latin America & Empire Report (formerly NACLA Newsletter). North American Congress on Latin America, Box 57, Cathedral Station, New York, New York 10025, or Box 226, Berkeley, California 94701. $6.00 per year (10 issues).

  2. CAGLA Newsletter. Chicago Area Group on Latin America, 2546 N. Halsted, Chicago, Illinois 60614. $2.00 per year (10 issues).

  3. CALA Newsletter. Community Action on Latin America, 731 State Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53703. $2.00 per year (irregular).

  4. Cuba Resource Center Newsletter. CRC, Box 206, Cathedral Station, New York, New York 10025. $5.00 per year (6 issues).

  5. EPICA Reports. Ecumenical Program for Inter-American Communication and Action, 2201 P Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037. Write for information.

  6. USLA Reporter. United States Committee for Justice to Latin American Political Prisoners, 137 A West 14th Street, New York, New York 10011. $2.00 per year (10 issues).

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The Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (SSPHS) was recently formed and invites interested scholars to seek membership. The Society is historical in scope and has as its purpose the advancement of study and research in Spanish and Portuguese history, economics, anthropology, sociology and intellectual history. Membership in the Society is open to anyone interested in the Society’s purposes. The following categories of individual membership are available: regular members, student members, and associates. In addition, the Society welcomes institutional members—universities, foundations,—who wish to help further the work of the Society.

A letter requesting membership may be addressed to the General Secretary of the Society, Professor Clara E. Lida, Department of History, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut 06457.

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Beginning in 1973, the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) will offer a Social Sciences and Humanities Citation Index covering articles, book reviews, and correspondence appearing in approximately 600 key journals. It will cover the fields of anthropology, community health, demography, economics, educational research, ethnic studies, geography, history, law, linguistics, management, marketing, political science, psychiatry, psychology, sociology, statistics, and urban planning and development.

Anyone wishing more information or wanting to make suggestions on any aspect of the Index should call or write Melvin Weinstock, Institute for Scientific Information, 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106.

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The Foreign Area Fellowship Program is inviting applications for its annual fellowship competition for the 1973-74 academic year.

The Latin America and Caribbean program of the FAFP is an international program which offers a comprehensive series of predoctoral and postdoctoral appointments, including professional internships, for the advancement of training and research in Latin American and Caribbean studies. Appointments are made to graduate students, young professionals and advanced scholars. Various sectors of the Program offer appointments to individuals in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Latin America and the Caribbean, and elsewhere.

The Program has been greatly expanded and includes research fellowships (U.S.), professional internships, inter-American research training seminars, collaborative research training fellowships, advanced research grants, advanced collaborative research grants, commissioned group research projects, conferences, and proposals for future seminars.

In 1972-73 the principal new feature of the Program is the extension of eligibility or appointments for advanced research, previously available only to North Americans, to include scholars in Latin America, the Caribbean and elsewhere. In addition, opportunities for collaborative research with Latin American and Caribbean scholars have been extended to scholars from Western Europe and other regions.

Another special feature is that all recipients of doctoral dissertation research fellowships, training fellowships and internships are required to have a mutually beneficial affiliation with a university or other institution in the country where work is carried out. Recipients of grants for advanced research are also encouraged to arrange such affiliation.

Applications are accepted for doctoral dissertation research in the social sciences, the humanities, and the professions, with preference given to dissertation topics of contemporary relevance concerned with cultural, economic, political, social or scientific aspects of development.

Announcements and fellowship applications may be obtained by writing to the Foreign Area Fellowship Program, 110 East 59th Street, New York, New York 10022.

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La Asociación Canadiense de Estudios Latinoamericanos (ACELA) se complace en anunciarle al público universitario de habla castellana su proyecto editorial de establecer un foro académico para estudiosos y catedráticos Latinoamericanistas residentes en el Canadá y en el extranjero. Con este propósito se proyecta una revista trimestral publicada e impresa en el Canadá, la que ha de llevar el titulo de NorteSur. Desde su base intelectual en las humanidades y las ciencias sociales— sin pasar por alto las otras ciencias de sumo interés contemporáneo—han de colaborar principalmente en la empresa lingüistas, especialistas en literatura, críticos de las demás artes, historiadores, economistas, estudiosos de politica, sociólogos, antropólogos, geógrafos y planificadores. Para obtener más información sírvase escriber a Secretaría de NorteSur (NS), Facultad de Español, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada.