Initialed notices were written by Stephen C. Crawford, Evelyn DeHart, Rae Flory, Miguel E. González-Gerth, Kingsley E. Haynes, and Louis C. Rodero, all of the University of Texas, Austin.

This monograph is based largely on microfilmed materials from the Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino and the Tôrre do Tombo in Lisbon. Using numerous case studies, the author describes the awards and compensations sought by and sometimes granted to Brazilians for services rendered in the war against the Dutch. The study covers procedures of petition, review and concession, the nature of services performed, the types of awards solicited and those actually granted, the inheritance of concessions, and the problem of falsification of petitions. Most frequently petitioners requested membership in the Order of Christ, a privilege denied more often than granted. The Crown was more generous in distributing military and civil offices, land, confiscated goods, and membership in the orders of Aviz and Santiago.