Other Books Received
Two Spanish Picaresque Novels: Lazarillo de Tormes. The Swindler
. Translated by Alpert
. Baltimore
, 1969
. Penguin Books
. Pp. 214
. Paper. $1.45
.The Face of the Sun Kingdoms. The Indians of Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, and Peru and their Ancient Lands
. By Bunzl
. Introduction by Burland
C. A.
. New York
, 1969
. A
. S. Barnes and Company. Illustrations. Notes
. Pp. xxxii
, 116
. $12.60
.Bibliografía sobre la Guerra de España (1936-1939) y sus antecedentes
. Edited and with an introduction by de la Cierva
. Madrid
, 1968
. Ediciones Ariel
. Indices
. Pp. xxxix
, 729
.The World of Tacitus
. By Dudley
. Boston
, 1969
. Little, Brown and Company
. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. 271
. $6.50
.Culture latinoamericana e historia de la Iglesia
. By Dussel
Enrique D.
. Buenos Aires
, 1968
. Universidad Católica Argentina
. Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia
. Figures. Notes
. Pp. 154
. Paper.Henry James. The Treacherous Years: 1895-1901
. By Edel
. Philadelphia
, 1969
. J. B. Lippincott Company
. Illustrations. Notes. Index
. Pp. 381
. $10.00
. 5th ed. By Fois
. México
, 1965
. Editorial Trillas
. Colección Occidente
. Illustrations. Notes
. Pp. 331
. Paper. $40.00 (Mex.)
.Pancho Villa
. 6th ed. By Foix
. México
, 1967
. Editorial Trillas
. Coleccion Occidente
. Illustrations
. Pp. 294
. Paper. $40.00
(Mex.).Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1945. Vol. VIII: The Near East and Africa
. Prepared by the Department of State
. Washington
, 1969
. United States Government Printing Office
. Notes. Index
. Pp. 1339
. $6.50
.Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America. Historical Studies of Chile and Brazil
. Rev. ed. By Frank
Andre Gunder
. New York
, 1969
. Monthly Review Press
. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. xxiii
, 344
. Paper. $3.45
.Understanding History. A Primer of Historical Method
. 2nd ed. By Gottschalk
. New York
, 1969
. Alfred A. Knopf
. Notes. Appendix. Index
. Pp. xix
, 310
. Paper. $2.50
.The Great Migration. Crossing the Atlantic under Sail
. By Greenhill
. London
, 1968
. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office
. Illustrations. Maps
. Pp. 32
. Paper. $1.50. (Distributed in the United States by British Information Services, New York.)
Hellenism and the Rise of Rome
. By Grimal
et al. Translated by Sheridan Smith
A. M.
. New York
, 1969
. Delacorte Press
. Illustrations. Maps. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. 418
. $9.95
.West German Foreign Aid, 1956-1966. Its Economic and Political Aspects
. By Holbik
and Myers
Henry Allen
. Brookline
, 1969
. Boston University Press
. Maps. Charts. Tables. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. xii
, 158
. $7.95
.Humanitas. Anuario del Centro de Estudios Humanísticos
. Prepared by Fernández Del Valle
Agustín Basave
et al. Monterrey
, 1969
. Universidad de Nuevo León
. Pp. 733
. Paper.A New History of Portugal
. By Livermore
H. V.
. Cambridge
, 1969
. Cambridge University Press
. Illustrations. Maps. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. xi
, 365
. Paper. $2.95
.The Democratic Experience: Past and Prospects
. By Niebuhr
and Sigmund
Paul E.
. New York
, 1969
. Frederick A. Praeger
. Index
. Pp. X
, 192
. $5.95
.Black Intellectuals Come to Power: The Rise of Creole Nationalism in Trinidad and Tobago
. By Oxaal
. Cambridge
, 1969
. Schenkman Publishing Company
. International Studies in Political and Social Change
. Illustrations. Maps. Figures. Tables. Notes
. Pp. xiii
, 194
. $7.95
.The Audiencia of New Galicia in the Sixteenth Century: A Study in Spanish Colonial Government
. By Parry
J. H.
. New York
, 1969
. Cambridge University Press
. Maps. Notes. Appendices. Index
. Pp. 205
. $7.00
.An Affair of Honor. Woodrow Wilson and the Occupation of Veracruz
. By Quirk
Robert E.
. New York
, 1967
. W. W. Norton and Company
. Notes. Index
. Pp. vi
, 184
. Paper. $1.35
.Tradiciones y cuentos dominicanos
. By Demorizi
Emilio Rodríguez
. Santo Domingo
, 1969
. Julio D. Postigo e Hijos Editores
. Colección Pensamiento Dominicano
. Notes. Appendix
. Pp. 275
. Paper
.Los conquistadores
. By Román
. Madrid
, 1966
. Ediciones Centro
. Bibliography
. Pp. 420
. Paper (Distributed in the United States by New York Editors Corporation, New York.)
Napoleón Bonaparte y la América Latina
. By Sanguinetti
Abelardo Sáenz
. Montevideo
, 1966
. Bibliography
. Pp. 11
. Paper. $.50
.España hace un siglo: Una economía dual
. By Sánchez-Albornoz
. Barcelona
, 1968
. Ediciones Península
. Colección Ibérica
. Maps. Tables. Notes
. Pp. 220
. Paper.A History of the United States to 1877
. 3rd ed. By Williams
T. Harry
et al. New York
, Alfred A. Knopf
. Illustrations. Maps. Tables. Appendices. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. xix
, 794
. $10.50
.Copyright 1969 by Duke University Press