This is one of those pleasant books that are nice to give to a hostess interested in esoterica, but it is not really very illuminating. The main theme is the non-fastening functions of knots, especially as seen in ancient and non-Western European societies. Numerous simple, clear drawings illustrate the text.
The first section deals with mnemonic knots from the simple counts used in several primitive societies to the highly complex Inca quipu with its positional decimal system. The discussion of the quipu is based largely on the earlier work of L. Leland Locke, Erland Nordenskiöld and, for the related abacus, Henry Wassén. The author’s own views on the astronomical uses of quipu is an important device and needs much more work done on it if any new conclusions are to be drawn concerning it.
The second chapter deals with magical knots used in connection with weather, disease, curing, marriage, etc. Examples are cited from various times and places. The last chapter briefly discusses practical knots, and the author rightly laments our lack of knowledge of ancient knots and of the knots used by primitive peoples.