The University of Pennsylvania announces a new monograph series in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The series is made possible by a deed of trust by Flora E. Haney, John Lewis Haney, et al. Books in the series will be published by the University of Pennsylvania Press. The editorial committee hopes to place emphasis on works of scholarly value and interest which might not otherwise easily find their way into print without financial assistance. The following are examples suggested by the committee: text editions with critical apparatus; publications requiring special illustrations or typography; specialized studies with a limited market; first works of promising young scholars; texts too long for articles but normally considered too short for publication in book form. Authors will receive royalties from all books published in the series. Manuscripts in the humanities and social sciences are invited. They should be submitted with a self-addressed envelope to: The Haney Foundation Editorial Committee, Van Pelt Library, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104.
The Mexican journal Cuadernos Americanos, “in an effort to widen the dialogue among intelligent men of good will in the Americas,” invites articles from United States writers on topics “which might contribute to a better understanding of the important issues which face our hemisphere.” Manuscripts should be addressed to Jesús Silva Herzog, Director de Cuadernos Americanos, Apartado postal 965, México 12, D. F.
Foro Internacional, published by El Colegio de México, invites articles on international relations which deal directly or indirectly with Latin American affairs. Although the journal is published in Spanish, articles (5,000-9,000 words) may be submitted in other languages. El Colegio takes care of translating the manuscripts. Contributors receive U.S. $32 for a published article in addition to 25 reprints. Manuscripts should be sent to Roque González Salazar, El Colegio de México, Guanajuato 125, México 7, D. F.