In accordance with the editorial plan to print the final third of the trilogy O Tempo e o Vento in three separate volumes, volume two (the first was reviewed in a previous issue of HAHR) recently was published. Senhor Veríssimo dedicates this volume of O Arquipélago to a vivid description of the Twenties in Brazil as he carries forward the Cambará family history and the history of Brazil from the Revolution of 1923 to the Revolution of 1930. As the plot of this perceptive historical novel develops, the psychological implications of the title become clearer and more pronounced. The author believes that each man is an island, and, as the characters of O Arquipélago illustrate, man’s major problem is the construction of bridges between those islands. Volume three, already off the press, will bring to a close O Arquipélago and, hence, the monumental trilogy O Tempo e o Vento.
Book Review|
November 01 1963
O Arquipélago
O Arquipélago
. Vol. 2
. By Veríssimo, Erico. Porto Alegre
, 1961
. Editôra Globo
. Pp. 305
. Paper.Hispanic American Historical Review (1963) 43 (4): 612.
E. Bradford Burns; O Arquipélago. Hispanic American Historical Review 1 November 1963; 43 (4): 612. doi:
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