This book is no more and no less than its title suggests. It is a contribution to the historical bibliography of the Argentine province of Mendoza. Ranging in time from pre-history to the present, the work contains 810 references to printed books, documents, articles, and pamphlets in five languages. The compiler does not pretend that her list is exhaustive, qualitative, or discriminating, and admits that it was published hurriedly to celebrate the four-hundredth anniversary of the founding of Mendoza. Still, the bibliography is an exceedingly useful guide.

The work is organized into eleven sections—historiography, pre-history, genera] works, Mendoza as a Chilean province, institutional, religious, social, cultural and intellectual, economic, and military history, and a catch-all category entitled specialized themes. Within most sections the list is divided into the colonial, independence, and national periods. A critical discussion on the “panorama of Mendozan history,” including comments on modern currents and an analysis of the chronicles written during the Chilean period, is particularly perceptive. The compiler has also taken steps to determine the works now in progress on Mendozan history and has listed them in the appendices. Mendoza is proud to be in the vanguard of the Argentine provinces in recreating its history. This compilation justifies this mendocino pride.