These are two authoritative articles originally read in October, 1961, at the University of San Andrés in La Paz at a meeting sponsored by the Bolivian Cámara Nacional de Minería and the Department of Economics of the University. The first and longer study is by Dr. Guillermo Bedregal, a young economist and political scientist with a brilliant academic record (Spain and Germany) and creditable publications. After holding many crucial positions, he is now President of the Corporación Minera de Bolivia. The second study, “Evolución y tendencia de los precios del estaño, ” is by Broersma, the Dutch mining engineer upon whose competence and cooperation the nationalized Bolivian tin mines have very much relied and who is Gerente General of the Corporación Minera.

Both studies are valuable and show erudition. They are a clear exposé and history of the complicated international tin policy which is so vital for Bolivia. A short history of tin is given by Broersma. Such matters as various international tin agreements, the London Metal Exchange, the United States tin consuming habits and tin policy, the English policies and powers, the “Buffer Stock,” and the famous 1957 “Soviet dumping,” Soviet policies and habits and those of other countries are all explained. Indeed this is an important little booklet.