Caustic Ambrose Bierce in reviewing a book once said, “The covers of this book are too far apart.” In the case of the Caugheys’ California Heritage “the covers of this book are too close together.” California with well over four hundred years of recorded history, and now the most populous state in the nation, surely has a heritage of which its citizens can well be proud. The swelling population of the state has pushed its true native sons into the background, but at the same time California has acquired numerous synthesized native sons. It is often said that in the Golden State a “foreigner” remains a foreigner during his first year of residence, becomes a native son at the end of two years, and a “damned liar” from then on. What, then, can this reviewer, a real native son, say of a neo-native son who received his education in California, has lived and taught here for nearly forty years, has become a recognized authority on the history of the state, and whose writings have been widely acclaimed? Such a person is John Caughey who, with his wife, has collected in the present volume not only what purports to be but is in truth California’s heritage. The synthetic native son who compiled this work himself figures among the 137 authors from whose writings selections are included. All but one of the group were either born in California or spent some time here.

Utilizing chronological historical periods, the Caugheys have divided their collection of readings into nine fairly even sections, each of which is preceded by a short “esquisse” of the history of the period as well as of the significance of the authors and/or selections included. Each selection, in turn, is preceded by an all-too-short statement by means of which the editors introduce the author or event. Anyone can quarrel with an editor concerning the selections he has chosen, but on the whole this reviewer has only commendation for the contents of California Heritage—despite the fact that two of his “pets” were excluded.

Not only is California Heritage a significant contribution, but it is also worth anyone’s reading time whether he be native, synthesized, or contemplating conversion to western living. It should whet the appetite for reading further and more widely; to make this possible the editors have included a short bibliography of important and titillating works. Immigrants eager to acquire California citizenship should be compelled to read this book.

Just as John and Laree Caughey have performed an excellent task, so their publishers, The Ward Ritchie Press, have done a beautiful job of printing and manufacturing. To add lustre, many excellent photographs enhance the beauty of the volume