Other Books Received
Texas Today and Tomorrow
. Edited by Gambrell
. Preface by McGhee
George C.
. Dallas
, 1961
. Southern Methodist University Press
. Tables
. Pp. 126
. $3.00
.Medieval Technology and Social Change
. By White
Jr. New York
, 1962
. Oxford University Press
. Illustrations. Notes. Index
. Pp. 194
. $6.00
.The Foreign Leader Program
. By Elder
Robert E.
. Washington, D.C.
, 1961
. The Brookings Institution
. Appendices
. Pp. 115
. Paper.The Brave New World of the Enlightenment
. By Bredvold
Louis I.
. Ann Arbor
, 1961
. University of Michigan Press
. Notes
. Pp. 164
. $3.95
.Race Relations in International Affairs
. By Browne
Robert S.
. Washington, D.C.
, 1961
. Public Affairs Press
. Tables. References
. Pp. 62
. Paper. $1.00
.It All Started with Columbus
. By Armour
. New York
, 1961
. McGraw-Hill
. Illustrations
. Pp. 121
. $3.50. A new edition
.Revolution, Evolution, and the Economic Order
. By Sievers
Allen M.
. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
, 1962
. Prentice-Hall, Inc
. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. 173
. Paper. $1.95
.The Responsibilities of Man
. By Gerber
Rosalie B.
. Washington, D.C.
, 1962
. Public Affairs Press
. References. Index
. Pp. 147
. $3.25
.Europe Views America. A Critical Evaluation
. By Chester
Edward W.
. Washington, D.C.
, 1962
. Public Affairs Press
. References. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. 182
. $4.50
.Society and Thought in Modern America
. 2nd. edition. By Wish
. New York
, 1962
. McKay Company, Inc
. Illustrations. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. 644
. $6.75
.The Present as History. Essays and Reviews on Capitalism and Socialism
. By Sweezy
Paul M.
. New York
, 1962
. Monthly Review Press
. Notes. Index
. Pp. 376
. $5.00
.The American Myth and the European Mind
. By Skard
. Philadelphia
, 1961
. University of Pennsylvania Press
. Index
. Pp. 112
. $4.50
.Reappraisals in History
. By Hexter
J. H.
. Foreword by Laslett
. Evanston, Ill.
, 1961
. North-western University Press
. Appendices. Notes
. Pp. 214
. $6.00
.Lost Trails of the Cimarron
. By Chrisman
Harry E.
. Denver
, 1961
. Sage Books
. Illustrations. Appendix. Index
. Pp. 304
. $5.00
.The Robber Barons
. By Josephson
. New York
, 1962
. Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc
. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. 474
. Paper. $2.35
.What is History?
By Carr
Edward Hallet
. New York
, 1962
. Alfred Knopf, Inc
. Notes. Index
. Pp. 212
. $3.50
.The Evolutions of Civilizations
. By Quigley
. New York
, 1961
. Macmillan Company
. Maps. Illustrations. Index
. Pp. 280
. $5.95
.The Causes of the War of 1812
. By Horsman
. Philadelphia
, 1962
. University of Pennsylvania Press
. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. 345
.The World Role of Universities
. By Weidner
Edward W.
. New York
, 1962
. McGraw-Hill, Inc
. Carnegie Series in American Education
. Tables. Appendix. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. Pp. 366
. $6.95
.The Quest for Paradise: Europe and the American Moral Imagination
. By Sanford
. Urbana
, 1961
. University of Illinois Press
. Notes. Index
. Pp. 282
. $5.00
.The Education of Historians in the United States
. By Committee on Graduate Education of the American Historical Association
. New York
, 1962
. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc
. The Carnegie Series in American Education
. Notes. Appendices. Index
. Pp. 244
. $4.95
.Attitudes toward History
. By Burke
. Boston
, 1961
. Beacon Press
. Appendix
. Pp. 375
. $2.25. Paper. A welcome paperback of the 1959 revised edition. The first edition was published in 1937
.Chan Horn. A Maya Village. A Classic Study of the Basic Folk Culture in a Village in Eastern Yucatan
. By Redfield
and Rojas
Alfonso Villa
. Abridged Edition
. Chicago
, 1962
. The University of Chicago and the University of Toronto Press
. Phoenix Paperbacks. Notes. Charts. Illustrations. Index. Pp. 236. $1.50. Paper. A beautiful and worthwhile paperback of the famous Redfield study first published in 1934
. By Valdés
Armando Palacio
. Translated and Introduction by de Onís
. Great Neck, New York
, 1961
. Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., Publishers
. Pp. 189
. $1.25. Paper
.Diccionario de Sinónimos
. By Zamora
. New Edition. Buenos Aires
, 1961
. Editorial Claridad
. Colección Diccionarios
. Vol. II
. Pp. 326
. Pesos 150
.Diccionario Jurídico
. By Ramírez Gronda
Juan D.
. 5th edition. Enlarged. Buenos Aires
, 1961
. Collección Diccionarios
. Vol. VI
. Pp. 333
. Pesos 150
.Historia de la literatura hispanomericana. Vol. I: La colonia. Vol. II: Cien años de República. Vol. III: Época contemporánea
. By Imbert
E. Anderson
. Third Edition. Brevarios. Mexico City
, 1961
. Fondo de Cultura Económica
. Los Brevarios nos. 89 and 156
. Bibliography. Indices. Pp. 473, 388. The whole collección of Brevarios of the Fondo with its handsome format is very useful. It is good to know that the Anderson Imbert work first published in 1954 and re-edited in 1957 is now a part of these Brevarios
.Copyright 1962 by Duke University Press