The Commission on Historical Investigations of the Mexican Revolution maintains in this book its fine record of making available documents dealing with the history of Mexico since 1910. By means of publications such as this it will be possible some day to write a satisfactory account of the Revolution. In charge of Venustiano Carranza’s Ministry of Foreign Relations, Isidro Fabela had the opportunity to collect materials dealing with Mexican diplomacy— especially with the United States. Then at the death of Carranza in 1920 his family gave Fabela many documents which the president had collected. This is the first of what promises to be many volumes on the diplomacy of the Constitutionalist period based upon Sr. Fabela’s private archives. There is much here, also, on internal affairs in Mexico: letters from Carranza to Zapata and Zapata to Villa, the legislation decreed by Carranza in his role as First Chief of the Constitutionalist forces, etc. The documents are in chronological order (with a few exceptions where it seemed more logical to follow a letter with its reply) and cover the period from Carranza’s defiance of Huerta in 1913 to the so-called Veracruz Decrees of early 1915. The author has given a short introduction or explanation for each document.

Although this is the first volume to be published in the series by Fabela, it will actually be number three or four when the project is completed, for succeeding volumes will deal with the Madero period, as well as the years between 1915 and 1920. This particular book appears now, says Sr. Fabela, in order to coincide with the celebration of the fiftieth year of the Revolution of 1910.