Alfonso Prudencio Claure—a shrewd journalist with a good knowledge of history—believes that Bolivia’s past is nearly unmatched by any other country. He also thinks that the last ten years in Bolivia represent a perfect national comedy, also unmatched. In the La Paz newspaper Presencia he has a column of clean and sharp satire. Most of it is based on past and present Bolivian events. It is good; it shows political awareness, historical perspective, national and international common sense, and a healthy morality.

Prudencio Claure shows that through all Bolivia’s suffering Bolivians have never lost a most enjoyable sense of humor. And never has any government in Bolivia’s history (even the most tyrannical) suppressed this type of satire. Even the tyrant Melgarejo had a most refreshing sense of humor. And in my teens I can remember that the high-handed Villarroel government did not dare touch satire. The two volumes under review should be praised.