As the North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect in 1994, Mexican officials sought to commodify and reinsert into global economic circulation more of the country's spaces of production. In response, indigenous Mayan rebels in the state of Chiapas challenged the government's latest eager embrace of neoliberal policies. Reclaiming the mantle of revolutionary peasant leader Emiliano Zapata, the modern-day Zapatistas demanded their own spaces of community autonomy. In his carefully structured and written work, Chris Hesketh helps us to better understand those heady days of 1994 and a related moment in 2006 in the state of Oaxaca. Spaces of Capital / Spaces of Resistance reexamines the well-worn scholarly theme of indigenous resistance from some novel intersecting disciplinary and historical perspectives. Building on more temporally, geographically, and methodologically narrow interpretations of Mexico's long-standing struggles at the nexus of colonialism, capitalism, state formation, and indigenous rights, Hesketh develops an interdisciplinary historical,...

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