Karen Spalding has completed the first publication and in-depth study of the diary of Sebastián Franco de Melo, a text dated circa 1761 and dealing with the 1750 rebellion of Huarochirí. To the original manuscript and a 90-page full transcription Spalding has added two documents related to Franco de Melo's private life as well as several primary documents concerning the Huarochirí rebellion: a letter by the viceroy Conde de Superunda to the king, an anonymous letter from Lima, a volume of the Gaceta de Lima, an official pardon addressed to the rebels, brief letters from the viceroy to Franco de Melo, a request by Franco de Melo to the viceroy, two acts from the Council of Lima, and an anonymous ballad. The majority of these texts have not been previously published, and they have not been combined into a single volume. Further materials include a prologue by historian Ramón...

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