Any traveler to Cuzco has experienced the basic tour on the first day (when they should be resting and adjusting before boarding the train to Machu Picchu) that takes one above the city to the ruins of Saqsaywaman and then to other mysterious rock formations. The guides have wonderful tales to appeal to the curious soul expecting New Age energy vibrations and landing towers for aliens. Those tales are also infuriating to serious visitors and scholars, who often feel compelled to confront the guides and ask how they can be so disrespectful to their heritage as to imply that the Inka were incapable of building such amazing constructions and that there is nothing but mystery associated with their presence. Frequent visitors, especially research scholars immersed in the city and its extraordinary history, often do exactly as Carolyn Dean does and find new trails to explore the environs on those sleepy...
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Book Review|
May 01 2012
A Culture of Stone: Inka Perspectives on Rock
A Culture of Stone: Inka Perspectives on Rock
. By Dean, Carolyn. Durham, NC
: Duke University Press
, 2010
. Photographs. Plates. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index.
, 297
pp. Paper
, $23.95.Hispanic American Historical Review (2012) 92 (2): 340–342.
Carol Damian; A Culture of Stone: Inka Perspectives on Rock. Hispanic American Historical Review 1 May 2012; 92 (2): 340–342. doi:
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