Agua, poder urbano y metabolismo social makes an important contribution to the understudied field of urban environmental history in Mexico and Latin America. The volume is the result of two years of diverse workshops to define a new line of urban research on the part of the Cuerpo Académico Sociedad, Ciudad y Territorio, siglos XVI – XXI at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Edited by Rosalva Loreto López, the book is comprised of an introduction and six chapters that explore in detail the theoretical and empirical contours of the hydrologic basin of Puebla from the colonial period to the present. Using archival sources, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), charts, and graphs, the chapters contain comprehensive investigations of Puebla’s subterranean water flows (Esther Galicia Hernández); the environmental impacts of the city’s early textile mills (Rosalva Loreto López); the engineering, design, and location of its numerous bridges (Dirk Bühler); its potable water...

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