This anthology resulted from a conference titled “Cien años de República, cien años de Constitución en Cuba: Ciudadanos, nación y raza” hosted at the University of Cologne in Germany during the autumn of 2002, in which Cuban historians and specialists of other disciplines from Cuba, Spain, Germany, and the United States participated. The 13 selected essays published here explore themes such as the development of the nation-state, the construction of the republic, the reconfiguration of new identities based on citizenship as opposed to identities based on nineteenth-century racial hierarchies, and the integration of former slaves into the Cuban nation.

After 30 years of anticolonial resistance, abolitionist struggles, a war between empires, and the US occupation of its territory, Cuba gained its independence. With this as the context, the essays examine the processes that shaped Cuba and cubanidad. Cuba as a nation has the dubious history of starting several anticolonial...

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