The extreme right has strongly affected Argentina and for this reason has attracted much scholarly attention. Researchers have viewed this movement, known as Nacionalismo, through different lenses. They have studied its ideas, male leaders, rituals and myths, social composition, differences and similarities with kindred groups in neighboring countries, and relations with the Catholic Church, the military, and the political system. Noting the European impact on Nacionalismo, some scholars have characterized it as fascist, while others have disagreed. Relatively few, however, have had the deep knowledge of fascism needed to develop their arguments. Federico Finchelstein’s extensive background in fascist and Holocaust studies and his work in Italian and French archives set this book apart. So, too, does his approach. Rather than simply discuss European influence on Nacionalismo, Finchelstein analyzes ideas and perceptions flowing in both directions across the Atlantic.
He focuses primarily on the exchanges between Nacionalistas and Italian Fascists, who...