Yucatán in an Era of Globalization contributes to an established scholarly tradition in long-term and interdisciplinary engagement with the history and culture of the Yucatán Peninsula. This collection contains eight chapters written by economists, historians, geographers, and anthropologists who represent different generations of yucatecólogos. These contributors reflect on how Yucatán has changed over the last few decades, roughly since the 1980s, and what impact these developments had for Yucatán’s society and economy. Seven authors are based in the United States, two are Mexican, and one of them lives and works in Yucatán.

“Globalization” is used not as an analytical concept but as a label for what has grown more complex in peninsular life due to accelerated economic and social change. Hence, the contributors to this collection neither work toward a “central unified thesis about glob alization” nor “pretend to predict the ultimate consequences of the state’s international integration” (p....

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