julio djenderedjian received his PhD in history from the Universidad de Buenos Aires in 2003. He is a researcher at the Instituto Ravignani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, and the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) in Argentina. He has published several articles on the economic and social history of the Río de la Plata area in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and three books, one of them in collaboration. His current research focuses on the agrarian production of the pampas in the nineteenth century.
patricia lopes don is Associate Professor of History at San Jose State University. Her first book, Bonfires of Culture: Franciscans, Indigenous Leaders and Inquisition in Early Mexico, 1524 – 1540, is forthcoming in fall 2009 from the University of Oklahoma Press. Her future research will concentrate on the Inquisition of Spaniards and other ethnic communities in the early sixteenth century in Mexico.