It was gratifying to read in the pages of the HAHR that the eminent anthropologist and emeritus professor William W. Stein both applauds my work and graciously admits to having learned from it. I too have learned much from his previously published work on the Atusparia Uprising, and I said so in the preface to my book, From Two Republics to One Divided. However, I was disappointed by Stein’s latest and in some ways extraordinary “Comment,” which carried the possibly ambivalent title “Next to Nothing: More on Pedro Pablo Atusparia” (HAHR 78:2).
I do not wish to respond to each and every of the “Comment’s” many allusions, in part because many of them seem to have little to do with my HAHR article, in part because I am not sure that I grasp them all, in part because I am not sure that all are entirely appropriate to...