In The Fate of Peruvian Democracy, Tamara Feinstein makes a significant contribution to the historiography of modern Peru, human rights, and the Peruvian internal armed conflict (1980–2000) by centering the disintegration of the Peruvian Left amid the escalating political violence of the 1980s. While the established historiography has addressed the political organization of the Maoist Shining Path and the governments of Fernando Belaúnde, Alan García, and Alberto Fujimori, Feinstein focuses on the role of the Peruvian legal Left, the political parties and leaders that entered the electoral stage in the return to democracy in the 1980s and formed the United Left (Izquierda Unida) coalition. The book brings together oral histories, archival documents, contemporary media, and participant observation to trace the trajectory of the Peruvian legal Left from the 1960s to the present. Feinstein's oral interviews with prominent living and late figures of the Peruvian Left, including Carlos Iván Degregori,...

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