The paucity of reference works on Brazilian history means that this title is to be welcomed. Indeed, publication of The Oxford Encyclopedia of Brazilian History and Culture (OEBHC) two years ago, alongside the Dicionário da independência do Brasil: História, memória e historiografia, made 2022 a banner year as far as such works are concerned, likely the biggest one since 2001, when the second edition of the Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil's Dicionário histórico-biográfico brasileiro was published, if not 1984, when the original DHBB was released. That said, the English-language volumes under review are much less conventional and, perhaps necessarily, less complete than the Dicionário da independência or the DHBB, the two dicionários (dictionaries) therefore more deserving of the adjective “encyclopedic” than Oxford's contribution to the field.

If not a traditional encyclopedia, what is the OEBHC? Definition, in this case, must...

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