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Journal Article
GLQ (2008) 14 (2-3): 263–287.
Published: 01 June 2008
...Adi Kuntsman Informed by feminist and queer scholarship debates on sexuality, migration, and the nation, this article examines the role of violence—in particular, homophobic hate speech—in negotiating immigrant belonging through sexuality. The article is based on my ethnographic study of Russian...
Journal Article
GLQ (2011) 17 (4): 639–647.
Published: 01 October 2011
...Catherine Lord A dedication is a speech act. Like saying, “I do thee wed,” to write, “I make you a gift of the words I have written” is to cause to be true the statement uttered, to tender oneself to another upon the material support that makes writing itself possible, and with it narrative, logic...
Journal Article
GLQ (2016) 22 (3): 437–466.
Published: 01 June 2016
... these alternative forms, we identify the political work they perform. Analyzing such texts as a victim impact statement, speeches, the TV movie A Girl Like Me , and memorial websites, we contend that relational witnessing and testimony can reconfigure heteronormative forms of kinship and other societal structures...
Journal Article
GLQ (1996) 3 (2-3): 253–259.
Published: 01 June 1996
... in which the distinction at issue was not status and conduct, but speech and conduct. In this version, the notion that status and conduct might be kept separate is still at work, but we can see the seeds of its dissolu- tion as well. Consider the wording of that policy: Sexual orientation...
Journal Article
GLQ (1999) 5 (4): 605–622.
Published: 01 October 1999
... and precious.7 They are also advised to develop a “greater willingness to listen” and not interrupt; to move their mouth more (“When women talk they move their mouths more than men and to smile more: the Swedish speech therapist Ewa Soderpalm informs us...
Journal Article
GLQ (2018) 24 (1): 13–17.
Published: 01 January 2018
.... Lynch Delivers Remarks at Press Conference Announcing Complaint against the State of North Carolina to Stop Discrimination against Transgender Individuals .” US Department of Justice , May 9 . www.justice.gov/opa/speech/attorney-general-loretta-e-lynch-delivers-remarks-press-conference-announcing...
Journal Article
GLQ (2012) 18 (4): 565–594.
Published: 01 October 2012
... believed their own actions could save their souls. In New England, eighteenth-­century revivalist affect, speech, perfor- mance, and publicity wove together Puritan and Enlightenment sympathy to gen- erate abject sensation and stimulation. “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” for example...
Journal Article
GLQ (2003) 10 (1): 47–75.
Published: 01 January 2003
..., Bel Acueil escapes with the help of an army led by Amors, but the text con- sists mainly of speeches to the Lover by variously helpful or unhelpful advisers. In short, the continuation is “less action than re-enactment: the interest lies not so much in narrative as in reworking earlier material.”14...
Journal Article
GLQ (1999) 5 (1): 1–24.
Published: 01 January 1999
... between the neuter pronominal subject and the gendered pred- icate within this interpellatory speech act. Further, this near imperceptibility is an effect not of any ontological proximity between sex and gender but of the impera- tive to represent such proximity as ontological. However—and here I...
Journal Article
GLQ (2007) 13 (4): 553–561.
Published: 01 October 2007
... is relieved of the milking machine and celebrated with a great pomp- ous speech. At certain times the winner is celebrated by what the beings call the beating. The winner is then carried in triumph onto a stage and placed belly down on the knees of a being whose hands are gloved. The head hangs down...
Journal Article
GLQ (2018) 24 (1): 44–47.
Published: 01 January 2018
... any indictment of white supremacy even when the capirotes and gloves come off. For some, hate speech is just free speech. The result is a curious defense where white supremacists have to make a case for themselves as white supremacists. As Dylan Roof, the twenty- three- year- 46 GLQ...
Journal Article
GLQ (2018) 24 (4): 421–444.
Published: 01 October 2018
... Homonormativity: Performative Explorations of Diverse Gay Economies .” Environment and Planning A 41 : 1496 – 510 . Chavez Karma . 2012 . “ ACT UP, Haitian Migrants, and Alternative Memories of HIV/AIDS .” Quarterly Journal of Speech 98 , no. 1 : 63 – 68 . Cheng Jih-Fei . 2016...
Journal Article
GLQ (2005) 11 (2): 237–263.
Published: 01 April 2005
... freedom, the state, public speech, consumption and desire, nature and culture, maturation, reproduc- tive politics, racial and national fantasy, class identity, truth and trust, censorship, intimate life and social display, terror and violence, health care, and deep cultural norms about the bearing...
Journal Article
GLQ (2006) 12 (2): 281–301.
Published: 01 April 2006
... there was a terrible disease, and that a brave group of people stood up and fought and in some cases died so others might live and be free.  — Vito Russo, “Why We Fight” Vito Russo’s extraordinary 1988 speech, “Why We Fight,” was delivered at two key AIDS activist demonstrations: first, on May 9 in Albany...
Journal Article
GLQ (2023) 29 (2): 269–276.
Published: 01 April 2023
... of family, kinship, and national belonging (“We are an American family . . . one nation, one people,” as Obama [ 2012 ] put it in his post-victory speech) rings particularly hollow and indeed fantastical in light of the events of the ensuing decade: cruel optimism indeed. Given this changed political...
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Journal Article
GLQ (1993) 1 (1): 17–32.
Published: 01 November 1993
... theory of speech acts applies to queer practices, but how it is that “q~eering’~persists as a defining moment of performativity.’ The centrality of the marriage ceremony in J .L. Austin7s examples of performativity suggests that the heterosexualization of the social bond is the paradigmatic form...
Journal Article
GLQ (2004) 10 (3): 367–384.
Published: 01 June 2004
...” (5.2.351–52, p. 415; my emphasis). Further, Horatio invokes as his own Hamlet’s “mouth” twice in the final speeches of the play: “Of that I shall have also cause to speak, / And from his mouth whose voice will draw on more” (5.2.396–97, p. 418).40 The rest is not silence, but Horatio.41 A similar sense...
Journal Article
GLQ (2008) 14 (1): 1–40.
Published: 01 January 2008
.... School board members told me about receiving death threats, being spit on, and having tires slashed. After explo- sive meetings they received police escorts to their cars. One prominent sex education foe collapsed from an anxiety attack during his speech at an especially rancorous meeting, while...
Journal Article
GLQ (2017) 23 (4): 599–601.
Published: 01 October 2017
.... By examining archives ranging from utopian and nostalgic fiction to politi- cal speeches and planning documents, as well as other kinds of texts, Nadkarni GLQ 23:4 © 2017 by Duke University Press 600 GLQ: A JOURNAL OF LESBIAN AND GAY STUDIES considers how nationalist feminisms in both...
Journal Article
GLQ (2018) 24 (1): 151–153.
Published: 01 January 2018
... or doctrine but in the gaps between words and bodies, the moments when bodies convulse with and against the demands of speech. “When [Foucault] approaches the joint (tendon, membrane) at which speech enters into skin or issues from it,” Jordan writes, “he often reverts to religious...