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Journal Article
GLQ (2005) 11 (1): 145–147.
Published: 01 January 2005
... and body only confirms the riot that is the intersubjective exchange, when you dare to listen to someone’s history. In the fifth chapter Johnson’s brilliant analysis of the cross-racial appropri- ation of gospel performance by a mostly white Australian gospel group, Café of the Gate of Salvation...
Journal Article
GLQ (2001) 7 (4): 621–636.
Published: 01 October 2001
...Judith Butler Duke University Press 2001 GLQ 7.4-05 Butler 10/16/01 5:15 PM Page 621 DOING JUSTICE TO SOMEONE Sex Reassignment and Allegories of Transsexuality Judith Butler I would like to take my point of departure from...
Journal Article
GLQ (2000) 6 (3): 377–388.
Published: 01 June 2000
...Monica Bachmann Duke University Press 2000 1045-02.Bachmann 5/31/00 3:08 PM Page 377 “SOMEONE LIKE DEBBY” (De)Constructing a Lesbian Community of Readers Monica Bachmann Many scholars agree that the 1940s saw dramatic changes...
Journal Article
GLQ (2021) 27 (1): 149–151.
Published: 01 January 2021
...Andrew J. Counter B o o k s i n B r i e f THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEANT AT ALL Andrew J. Counter Someone: The Pragmatics of Misfit Sexualities, from Colette to Hervé Guibert Michael Lucey Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019. 344 pp. Someone may be thought of as the third in a trilogy of books...
Journal Article
GLQ (2000) 6 (3): 413–433.
Published: 01 June 2000
... of someone being older, but as far as someone being different in other ways, black-white, blue-collar–white-collar, it doesn’t 1045-04.Adam 5/31/00 3:09 PM Page 418 418 GLQ: A JOURNAL OF LESBIAN AND GAY STUDIES matter. [Interviewer: Do you have...
Journal Article
GLQ (2006) 12 (3): 465–474.
Published: 01 June 2006
...,” but I don’t know exactly what happened. Maybe nothing happened. The plaques read like you’re in somebody’s head, but the actual interaction between me and whoever it was is ambiguous. RM: What did you imagine someone passing by would think when they read...
Journal Article
GLQ (1994) 1 (2): 221–236.
Published: 01 April 1994
... that someone would only (lo one thing. I find it kery Iiizarrc that someone would sing in a musical-altliough I shouldn’t say that Iwcause that’s the one thing I can’t do, I can’t sing and I can’t dance-I find it very strange that someone should perform in a show without knowing what...
Journal Article
GLQ (2005) 11 (1): 65–94.
Published: 01 January 2005
... Neugebauer, who at one time could hardly suppress his frus- trated anger when he had discovered that he could not force someone to change her sex after he had concluded that she was male, was content to leave the difficult questions to legislators.8 Stating that the law was incomplete, he...
Journal Article
GLQ (2010) 16 (1-2): 93–103.
Published: 01 April 2010
... to have anyone in its employ who could divulge state secrets. Your father knows a lot, because he’s been working for the navy on their underwater sound project. There are secrets involved in this project. Now if someone knew about your dad’s arrest, they might threaten to tell everyone about...
Journal Article
GLQ (1994) 1 (2): 143–161.
Published: 01 April 1994
... literalness upon the risks to the body and the self that sex constitutes in much of his work.’ As he writes in “Dear Secret Diary”: “When I’m fucking someone and he accidentally falls off the bed I like to pretend he’s about to be shot for trying to defect. Or I did before AIDS ruined death” (5...
Journal Article
GLQ (2024) 30 (4): 589–593.
Published: 01 October 2024
... existed in separation from the “bad feminist habit” of judging and being judged, especially for our equally “bad” feelings. Even in moments of dire necessity, when all we have is trust and each other, we continue to sometimes arrive at an impasse between politics and the personal, with someone or another...
Journal Article
GLQ (2020) 26 (2): 223–226.
Published: 01 April 2020
... projects. At what point will someone like Ed be elected as president of AESA? And is that our measure of success? Is that how we measure that we [as queers of color] have arrived? And to what extent do we think about mother- scholar work? To what extent are we thinking about queer women s lives...
Journal Article
GLQ (2008) 14 (2-3): 339–359.
Published: 01 June 2008
.... ” 10 They understand that their own bodies traverse the social world and signify in ways that exceed (and often betray) the intention of those who inhabit them. Thus it is always possible that someone might “get” their gayness despite any effort my informants may put...
Journal Article
GLQ (2023) 29 (2): 283–284.
Published: 01 April 2023
... at the University of California, Berkeley, where I worked as the teaching assistant. Aurora was a vibrant, intelligent, and inquisitive undergraduate student. I was a lost graduate student trying to navigate the maze of graduate courses and requirements. It was refreshing to be around someone so confident...
Journal Article
GLQ (2024) 30 (3): 337–341.
Published: 01 June 2024
... that surrounds sex work is also about addressing the stigma of those willing to pay the price for someone else's sexual labor. What might it mean to imagine that sexual touch might be something that those of us who are female or femme can also purchase, that those poorly equipped to navigate sex...
Journal Article
GLQ (2003) 9 (1-2): 307–319.
Published: 01 April 2003
..., and be in service, then I am doing just that. I have never been so intent on serving someone as I am at this moment. My arm is at an angle that my neck, with three bone spurs going into my vertebrae, does not like. My body starts to shake. This is a pain that nags and builds. My arm and then my...
Journal Article
GLQ (1998) 4 (2): 283–285.
Published: 01 April 1998
... for the transgender political move- ment, while lesbians claimed “Brandon” or “Teena” as a victim of a hate crime against a lesbian—and, in some cases, as someone whose stone-butch sexuality and masculine gender presentation showed “her” to be a victim of internalized lesbophobia as well...
Journal Article
GLQ (2018) 24 (1): 49–51.
Published: 01 January 2018
...Deborah R. Vargas Copyright © 2018 Duke University Press 2018 GLQ FORUM / AFTEREFFECTS 49 I need someone to carry them DOI 10.1215/10642684-4254477 A PLAYLIST FOR PULSE Deborah R. Vargas When I rst heard of the tragic loss of lives...
Journal Article
GLQ (2008) 14 (2-3): 217–237.
Published: 01 June 2008
... goals, the pursuit of which may as eas- ily entail flogging someone for having sex as explaining away an inability to find what you seek or legitimating a war. When the first ships landed at what would become Port Blair following the 1857 War of Independence (a.k.a. “Indian Mutiny...
Journal Article
GLQ (2001) 7 (1): 131–151.
Published: 01 January 2001
... to work alongside people and have work be fun because it’s social. Work becomes sexy because of the social cama- raderie with your coworkers. KT: Well, I’ll have to second that. Because I too come from a place of being a writer, someone who...