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Journal Article
GLQ (2002) 8 (4): 499–521.
Published: 01 October 2002
...Brian James Baer Duke University Press 2002 RUSSIAN GAYS/WESTERN GAZE Mapping (Homo)Sexual Desire in Post-Soviet Russia Brian James Baer When the first English edition of Ivan Bloch’s Sexual Life in England, Past and Present appeared in 1938, the publisher seemed to feel obliged...
Journal Article
GLQ (1995) 2 (1_and_2): 65–79.
Published: 01 April 1995
... Theories, Gay Theories . Ed. Diana Fuss. New York: Routledge. 1991 . 13 -31. Choldin , Marianna Tax . A Fence around the Empire: Russian Censorship of Western Ideas under the Tzars . Durham: Duke UP, 1985 . Freud , Sigmund . The Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess, 1887...
Journal Article
GLQ (2008) 14 (2-3): 263–287.
Published: 01 June 2008
...Adi Kuntsman Informed by feminist and queer scholarship debates on sexuality, migration, and the nation, this article examines the role of violence—in particular, homophobic hate speech—in negotiating immigrant belonging through sexuality. The article is based on my ethnographic study of Russian...
Journal Article
GLQ (2013) 19 (4): 435–463.
Published: 01 October 2013
... on basketball in the first place. With Weir, the articulation of bigotry in terms of needing a “gender test” builds intentionally on the history of subjecting Olympic athletes competing as female to medical “sex verification” testing, while the use of the racialized category Russian, by or against him...
Journal Article
GLQ (2020) 26 (4): 673–700.
Published: 01 October 2020
... : Vintage . Russia BBC. 2017 . “ Chechenets-gei, pervym otkryvshii litso, izvinils’a pered Kadyrovym .” November 14 . www.bbc.com/russian/news-41985998 . Bosia Michael J. 2013 . “ Why States Act: Homophobia and Crisis .” In Global Homophobia: States, Movements, and the Politics...
Journal Article
GLQ (2002) 8 (3): 349–378.
Published: 01 June 2002
... homophobia” as alien to the Left, implicitly because of its Stalinist origins.4 Queer thinking usually invokes Stalin’s imposition of homophobic tyranny to fight local battles while evading the Russian dimensions of the story.5 The pathbreaking articles of the literary scholar Simon...
Journal Article
GLQ (2002) 8 (4): 581.
Published: 01 October 2002
... 2002 About the Contributors Brian James Baer is assistant professor of Russian language, literature, and trans- lation studies at Kent State University. His recent publications explore the con- nections among gender, sexuality, and national identity in Russian literature. He is writing...
Journal Article
GLQ (1999) 5 (2): 173–197.
Published: 01 April 1999
...) The drama of difference reaches beyond the spectacular and into the social realm, implicating race, gender, and sexual identity. The figuratively oriental eth- nicity of the Slavic company, with its compoundly oriental Russian Jewish designer, Leon Bakst, and principal ballerina, Ida Rubinstein...
Journal Article
GLQ (2002) 8 (3): 433–434.
Published: 01 June 2002
...). She is at work on a book about Senator Jesse Helms and U.S. political culture. Dan Healey is lecturer in Russian history at the University of Wales, Swansea. He is author of Homosexual Desire in Revolutionary Russia: The Regulation of Sexual and Gender Dissent (2001) and editor, with Barbara...
Journal Article
GLQ (2008) 14 (2-3): 455–456.
Published: 01 June 2008
... at Lancaster University, U.K. Her dissertation on Russian-speaking queer immi- grants in Israel/Palestine explores the relationship between nationalism, ethnicity, and sexuality and the ways these constitute an online community. Her research interests include violence, war, and colonialism; sexual...
Journal Article
GLQ (1999) 5 (1): 41–62.
Published: 01 January 1999
... and anus. For Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok, the secret behind the Wolf Man’s dream and neurotic symptoms is not the foreignness of anality but the familiality of a scene of incest. Analytic translation of it begins with the “consult[ation] of a Russian dictionary.”28...
Journal Article
GLQ (2017) 23 (3): 327–357.
Published: 01 June 2017
..., homosekusharu; in Latvian, homoseksualita¯te; in Lithuanian, homoseksualizmas; in Malay, kehomoseksualan; in Norwegian, homoseksualitet; in Polish, homoseksualizm; in Portuguese, homossexualidade; in Romanian, homo- sexualitate; in Russian, gomoseksualist; in Serbian, homoseksualnost...
Journal Article
GLQ (2007) 13 (4): 543–551.
Published: 01 October 2007
... of the process in the best formalist tradition. It is true that the Russian formalists used Sterne’s Tristram Shandy to illustrate what they called “a laying bare” of the process. It should be added that the formalists were not among the literary critics who discredited...
Journal Article
GLQ (2010) 16 (4): 649–653.
Published: 01 October 2010
...: racism and homophobia, interpersonal violence and institutional violence, queer and postcolonial theory, the local and the global, the smaller and the bigger picture. Starting with the particular — ­an ethnography of a queer online space set up by Russian-speaking­ immigrants in Israel — ­Adi...
Journal Article
GLQ (2010) 16 (4): 654–656.
Published: 01 October 2010
... that are often kept unhelpfully separate: racism and homophobia, interpersonal violence and institutional violence, queer and postcolonial theory, the local and the global, the smaller and the bigger picture. Starting with the particular — ­an ethnography of a queer online space set up by Russian-speaking­...
Journal Article
GLQ (2010) 16 (4): 657–659.
Published: 01 October 2010
...: racism and homophobia, interpersonal violence and institutional violence, queer and postcolonial theory, the local and the global, the smaller and the bigger picture. Starting with the particular — ­an ethnography of a queer online space set up by Russian-speaking­ immigrants in Israel — ­Adi...
Journal Article
GLQ (2010) 16 (4): 660–663.
Published: 01 October 2010
... that are often kept unhelpfully separate: racism and homophobia, interpersonal violence and institutional violence, queer and postcolonial theory, the local and the global, the smaller and the bigger picture. Starting with the particular — ­an ethnography of a queer online space set up by Russian-speaking­...
Journal Article
GLQ (2008) 14 (2-3): 169–190.
Published: 01 June 2008
... between Australia and Asia. Adi Kuntsman’s essay engages with the migration of Russian Jews to Israel across a long history of forced displacement, exile, and death to explore how   178  GLQ: A JOURNAL OF LESBIAN and GAY STUDIES nationalism becomes reconstructed. Kuntsman focuses...
Journal Article
GLQ (1995) 2 (1_and_2): 1–9.
Published: 01 April 1995
...: A JOURNAL OF LESBIAN 8 6AY STUDIES concepts of psychoanalysis, including (and most prominently) the defensive mechanism of unconscious resistance. Freud’s reference in “A Case of Homosexuality in a Woman” to “Russian tactics”-Russia’s military strategy of resistance through retreat...
Journal Article
GLQ (2023) 29 (1): 77–90.
Published: 01 January 2023
... and Aramaic), Polish, Russian, English, and more (Weinreich 2008 ). This irreducible hybrid construction is, in fact, part of what led to the perception of the Yiddish language as inferior and bastardized (Efron 2001 : 105). When we consider that Yiddish's devalued status can also be traced...