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Journal Article
GLQ (1999) 5 (3): 331–359.
Published: 01 June 1999
... of an originary “homosexual wishful phantasy of loving a man.” 19 How does Freud justify the apparent privileging of homosexual desire over the other contents of paranoid delusions? Presuming that human psychosexual development proceeds from autoeroticism through narcissism to object-love, Freud...
Journal Article
GLQ (2005) 11 (4): 491–519.
Published: 01 October 2005
... to shape even the least heteronormative studies of Renaissance sexuality. But my argument against teleology is not meant to suggest that Renaissance sexuality is the same as our own (such a suggestion, given our instant recoil from even the faintest hint of “narcissism...
Journal Article
GLQ (2019) 25 (2): 273–296.
Published: 01 April 2019
... of complicity that bind the work of self-preservation to the reproduction of orders of racial difference that threaten to erupt into murderous violence. Copyright © 2019 Duke University Press 2019 queer of color self-shattering death Leo Bersani Georges Bataille negativity narcissism...
Journal Article
GLQ (2003) 9 (4): 499–555.
Published: 01 October 2003
... text. Sexual difference becomes important in terms of gay male sexuality because central to Dean’s “critique of heterosexist epistemology” is a critique of Freud’s association of male homosexuality with narcissism. In his 1914 essay “On Narcis- sism” Freud introduced a new typology...
Journal Article
GLQ (2002) 8 (4): 523–552.
Published: 01 October 2002
... of the taming discourse, which operates over against moralizing outcries in a relationship of complicitous opposition. More intriguing, the attacks on Lin’s work feature, in addition to vehement accusations of deprav- ity, a seemingly sophisticated denunciation of “female narcissism...
Journal Article
GLQ (1999) 5 (2): 173–197.
Published: 01 April 1999
.... Plato’s Symposium, which explores love between men in some depth, was gospel to the era’s “higher sodomite.”34 In this context, ballets with classical themes-from Narcisse (1911) to Apollon Musagete (1928)-won the hearts of the elite gay spectators embedded in fashionable mainstream audiences...
Journal Article
GLQ (1993) 1 (1): 1–16.
Published: 01 November 1993
... be called a form of primary narcissism, suggests that narcissism from the very first throws itself sociably, dangerously into the gravitational field of the other) is broken: the moment when the adult face fails or refuses to play its part in the continuation of mutual gaze; when, for any one...
Journal Article
GLQ (2003) 9 (3): 393–414.
Published: 01 June 2003
... rereading of psychoanalytic accounts of morphogenesis: Freud’s theories of genital organization in “On Narcissism” and The Ego and the Id and Lacan’s “Mirror Stage” and “Signification of the Phallus.”9 What Butler finds in “On Narcissism” is a theory of erotogenicity that is radically...
Journal Article
GLQ (2001) 7 (4): 553–591.
Published: 01 October 2001
... leaves off and that of his charac- ters begins. What is more, he scarcely cares to know, for he is sealed in a narcissism so engrossing that he fails to make emotional contact with his characters. If his people have no otherness, if he...
Journal Article
GLQ (2013) 19 (2): 191–213.
Published: 01 April 2013
... of narcissism, a love of the self.10 But queer studies makes clear, as Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick puts it, that “people are different from each other.”11 This difference cannot be captured by sexual difference (as if this difference itself were in any way unitary), and therefore queer studies challenges...
Journal Article
GLQ (2011) 17 (2-3): 349–355.
Published: 01 June 2011
... repudiation, which would, of course, compulsively yet again repeat the parricidal or fratricidal drama. Perhaps, then, the witnessing to a “rebirth” that Bersani notices and to which he adds his voice is what Phil- lips, commenting on Bersani’s discussion of impersonal narcissism, calls “moth- ering...
Journal Article
GLQ (2016) 22 (2): 318–320.
Published: 01 April 2016
..., difference within sameness, and self-­divestiture in the face of a seductive and voracious narcissism, one gleans in Bersani’s style and tone an “at-­homeness” even in the most unheimlich of environments —   notably the cosmos. Unlike earlier essays such as “Against Monogamy” and “Sociability...
Journal Article
GLQ (2000) 6 (4): 609–629.
Published: 01 October 2000
... of narcissism, so that a man who desires another man is presumed to have failed at the Hegelian task of distinguishing between self and other. In this sense gender difference is taken to be difference tout court, Warner argues, in a way that race...
Journal Article
GLQ (2011) 17 (2-3): 243–263.
Published: 01 June 2011
... (in narcissism). By denying psychologi- cal explanations for Robin’s actions and leaving the reader with only the doctor’s obscure pronouncements as a guide, the text inscribes in the narrative the figure of sexuality as an undomesticated, unsymbolizable force, not bound to objects and beyond...
Journal Article
GLQ (1995) 2 (1_and_2): 65–79.
Published: 01 April 1995
... object, a process equivalent to a kind of regres- sion to narcissism” (18: 15th; my italics). In identifying with her father, the girl not only “regresses” to her original love object, the mother, but to an earlier form of identification too. We know that narcissistic object choice underlies all...
Journal Article
GLQ (2008) 14 (2-3): 361–381.
Published: 01 June 2008
...: University of Chicago Press, 2001] 121–43) lays out the Lacanian view of the role of the other at the scene of primary narcissism and demonstrates how this revises “the Freudian theory of narcissism in order to show why love of oneself should not be considered love of the same...
Journal Article
GLQ (2004) 10 (3): 319–337.
Published: 01 June 2004
... narcissism—or, to put it another way, to craft what Robyn Wiegman calls “a politics of surviving.”8 In searching for an alternative language in which to figure a relationship to THE WORK OF FRIENDSHIP 323 the deceased, in learning ways...
Journal Article
GLQ (1998) 4 (3): 453–470.
Published: 01 June 1998
... mise-en-scène is the register of duality and repetition that is Jacques Lacan’s Imaginary, the realm of sensuous immediacy and primary narcissism. Here, all entities are objects of desire or objects of disgust; subject-libido and object-libido are one, in “that quicker-than-the-eye...
Journal Article
GLQ (2000) 6 (2): 195–248.
Published: 01 April 2000
... and nostalgia as a fixated pedophilia appear through the static, ever cul- pable, and inevitably self-destructive erotics of narcissism. Queer culture, then, is erotically invested in childhood innocence, while straight culture is morally invested...
Journal Article
GLQ (1998) 4 (1): 59–65.
Published: 01 January 1998
...K. Daymond Copyright © 1998 by Duke University Press 1998 BODIES ON THE LINE K. Daymond FPO I I have long suspected that my particular approach to filmmaking involves a conflation of the functions of voyeurism and exhibitionism, even, perhaps, of desire and narcissism...