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Journal Article
GLQ (2014) 20 (3): 215–239.
Published: 01 June 2014
...Paul Morris; Susanna Paasonen The utopian promise of porn is one of carnal intensity, sexual abundance, and pleasure. Building on Richard Dyer's discussion of the utopian aspects of entertainment, this article expands his conceptualization to contemporary pornography and the gay bareback subculture...
Journal Article
GLQ (2013) 19 (4): 487–514.
Published: 01 October 2013
..., Laval-Jeantet received a series of transfusions of blood plasma drawn from the body of a horse. This essay considers the intensively physical dimensions of Art Orienté Objet's transpecies performance by reading it in relation to the concept of affective athleticism as it is developed in Gilles Deleuze's...
Journal Article
GLQ (2020) 26 (3): 377–403.
Published: 01 June 2020
... occupied within legal, social, and economic terms here, does not (only) refer to the constituted individual who lives or experiences a gendered and sexed position and location but, rather, refers to the ritual process itself that comes to produce a range of positions, scenes, desires, practices intensities...
Journal Article
GLQ (2009) 15 (2): 199–224.
Published: 01 April 2009
... ). The authors are university-based academic feminists who have worked intensively as volunteers and as paid directors at the Intersex Society of North America, the longest-running and best-known intersex advocacy and policy organization. In this work, they draw on the published literature as well as their own...
Journal Article
GLQ (2008) 14 (1): 1–40.
Published: 01 January 2008
...:1 DOI 10.1215/10642684-2007-021 © 2007 by Duke University Press  2  GL Q: AGL JOUQ: ARNAL JOU RNALOF LES OFBIAN LES andBIAN GA andY S GATUYDIES STUDIES A vivid analytic term, moral panic bespeaks the mobilization of intense affect in the service of moral politics...
Journal Article
GLQ (2012) 18 (4): 425–452.
Published: 01 October 2012
... of as the identification of an emotion, which is “a subjective content, the sociolinguistic fixing of the qual- ity of an experience which is from that point onward defined as personal.”6 The other level of image processing is that of “intensity,” which Massumi equates to affect...
Journal Article
GLQ (2011) 17 (1): 145–153.
Published: 01 January 2011
... was twenty-­five years old, and “The Second Sex” conference at New York University was my first major academic conference. The conference was overflowing with well-­known feminist intellectuals, and mobbed by wannabes like me. It was full of intensity and controversy. Audre Lorde...
Journal Article
GLQ (2010) 16 (1-2): 183–189.
Published: 01 April 2010
... and a home. The book is titled Of Kingdoms & Kangaroo and is published by First Intensity Press. While writing independently of each other, we were surprised at first by how many overlaps there were in our research. My half of the book, subtitled “Stir,” is about the history of fruits and animals...
Journal Article
GLQ (2021) 27 (1): 11–38.
Published: 01 January 2021
... to figure out a way to be together. To begin here with the word and is to begin with the joint, with the connection, with the hinge. But then and also, to begin with the word and is to imply with intense force that there was some- thing before that could be connected, that there was a mode of operation...
Journal Article
GLQ (2012) 18 (4): 565–594.
Published: 01 October 2012
..., joined the long campaign to convert auditors and readers to a “lively” emotional sense of Christianity by offering an intensely affecting portrait of per- sonal sin and divine perfection. But “Sinners” is also somewhat atypical; most of Edwards’s sermons, following shifts in popular taste...
Journal Article
GLQ (2003) 9 (1-2): 181–204.
Published: 01 April 2003
... ourselves. After all, how do we describe the electricity of lovemaking, the loss of self in concert with (indeed, dependent on) an intense sensory aware- ness of self? As Elizabeth Grosz points out, “The most intense moments of plea- sure and the force of their materiality cannot be reduced to terms...
Journal Article
GLQ (2015) 21 (1): 121–152.
Published: 01 January 2015
... with AIDS into a galvanizing disgust that might incite political action in response to the AIDS crisis.2 Following the work of Melissa Gregg and Gregory Seigworth, I use the terms affect or affective to indicate material or sensate intensities that “pass body to body” as well the body’s physical...
Journal Article
GLQ (1995) 2 (1_and_2): 11–33.
Published: 01 April 1995
... prohibition but rather of a kind of counter-productivity. It is not a question of lifting the barriers to seething repressed drives but rather of consciously, deliberately playing on the surfaces of our bodies with forms or intensities of pleasure not covered, so to speak, by the disciplinary...
Journal Article
GLQ (1995) 2 (4): 379–398.
Published: 01 October 1995
... ambition as an effort “to film, in slow motion, that which has been, owing to the manner in which it is perceived in natural speed, not absolutely unseen, but missed by sight, sub- ject to oversight. An attempt to approach slowly and calmly that original intensity which is not given in appearance...
Journal Article
GLQ (2006) 12 (2): 303–317.
Published: 01 April 2006
... felt a part of anything.” He summarizes “ACT UP culture” as “inclusive but intensely competitive, highly sexual, intelligent, and chaotic.”13 Although all of these proj- ects offer incomplete, even skewed versions of AIDS activist history, I get excited by the way...
Journal Article
GLQ (2000) 6 (4): 631–639.
Published: 01 October 2000
... interest in viewing people “in the grip of intense emotion or undergoing a crisis” (106). What fascinated him in particular were the body’s transformations as it experienced unwilled and uncontrollable states of agitation and desire—the body in extremis, contorted...
Journal Article
GLQ (2006) 12 (3): 351–376.
Published: 01 June 2006
... in the show, and their connection provides a representation of intense homosociality that dislodges the heterosexual couple’s already fragile union. Just as musical theater’s heterosexualizing narrative naturalizes itself through convention, mid-twentieth-century...
Journal Article
GLQ (2011) 17 (4): 487–496.
Published: 01 October 2011
... — and also by mentioning Sedgwick’s own intense reengage- ment in what turned out to be the last year or two of her life with the Barthes of The Neutral (published in French in 2002 and translated into English in 2005). But rather than stop at the point of perceiving “The 1001 Seances” as merely...
Journal Article
GLQ (2004) 10 (3): 385–405.
Published: 01 June 2004
... were,” friends tell LOVE AND LOSS 387 me, “how wonderful you were with him at the end.” No, he was wonderful, and I can never forget the emotional intensity with which his weakened form filled me then, and fills me still. His life, our lives...
Journal Article
GLQ (2004) 10 (4): 599–616.
Published: 01 October 2004
..., it seems to me, provide various ways of knowing oneself, one’s experiences, and one’s desires. As Lee probed her own psyche, she found nostal- gia to be her best means of managing her own intense emotions. For her, it stead- ied the extremes of loss and pleasure. It also balanced...