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Submission Guidelines

Submit manuscripts online at Our response time is generally six to eight months. Do not submit previously published articles without the permission of the editors. Do not simultaneously offer your article to another publication. All lines should be double-spaced (including lines in the notes), with 1.5-inch left and right margins. Articles should be 8,000–10,000 words; articles exceeding 11,000 words will not be considered. To maintain anonymity in the review process, please make sure that names, affiliations, email and mailing addresses, and acknowledgments do not appear in the file. Citations to an author's own works should be made in a way that does not compromise anonymity. GLQ uses The Chicago Manual of Style, seventeenth edition, as its main reference. Articles use a reference list and in-text author-date citations for documentation. Follow Chicago, chapter 15, for the form of all citations. Send correspondence to [email protected]. When preparing an article for submission, please refer to the journal's style guide. Please see our guidelines for special issue proposals.

GLQ does not accept unsolicited book or film/video reviews. Reviews are edited in cooperation with the GL/Q Caucus for the Modern Languages, an affiliate organization of the MLA.

GLQ Call for Papers
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies seeks submissions, particularly those containing new research into social formations across the global South, into historical periods before the twentieth century, into non-Anglophone cultures, into colonialism, dispossession, and slavery as structures of our present, and into the experience of those who have been marginalized by race, ethnicity, age, social class, body morphology, or sexual practice.

GLQ Call for Special Issue Proposals
We especially welcome special issue proposals. Themes should be in line with those of journal issues published in recent years, including global histories of sex and sexuality, Indigenous and transhemispheric relocations of queer and trans studies, race, diaspora, postcolonial, and transnational queer critiques of area knowledges, critical theory and trans studies, environmental and nonhuman studies, affect and new ontologies of the political, and radical antihumanisms. Please see proposal guidelines. Please send queries to [email protected].

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