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January 1, 2021
Issue Editors
Book Review|
January 01 2021
The Other Sides of Stonewall
One Dimensional Queer
. Ferguson, Roderick A.. Cambridge
: Polity
, 2019
. v + 168 pp.Buying Gay: How Physique Entrepreneurs Sparked a Movement
. Johnson, David K.. New York
: Columbia University Press
, 2019
. xvi + 308 pp.Categorically Famous: Literary Celebrity and Sexual Liberation in 1960s America
. Davidson, Guy. Palo Alto, CA
: Stanford University Press
, 2019
. xii + 227 pp.
Marcie Frank
Marcie Frank
Marcie Frank is professor of English at Concordia University in Montreal. She has previously published on Susan Sontag and Gore Vidal. Her most recent book, The Novel Stage: Narrative Form from the Restoration to Jane Austen, was published in February 2020.
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GLQ (2021) 27 (1): 141–148.
Marcie Frank; The Other Sides of Stonewall. GLQ 1 January 2021; 27 (1): 141–148. doi:
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