The Queer Love Project: AESA, Fatigue, and Building the Body of an Organization
Boni Wozolek is currently an assistant professor of education at Penn State University, Abington College. Her work considers questions of equity and access at the intersections of race, sexual orientations, and gender with its multiple expressions and identities. Dr. Wozolek serves on the executive council of the American Educational Studies Association (2016–19) and sits on the editorial team for the Journal of Curriculum Theorizing (2018–24). Her recent publications include contributions to the Journal of LGBT Youth, Journal of Gender Studies, the Urban Review, and Educational Studies.
Silvia Cristina Bettez is a professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations at UNC Greensboro. She teaches graduate-level qualitative research and equity in education courses. Her scholarship centralizes social justice with a focus on fostering critical community building, teaching for social justice, and promoting equity through intercultural communication and engagement. She served as the 2018–19 American Educational Studies Association president-elect and program chair. She has publications in several journals, including Equity and Excellence in Education, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Educational Studies, and Multicultural Perspectives.
Roland Sintos Coloma is professor and assistant dean of Teacher Education and co-director of the Kaplan Center for Research on Urban Education at Wayne State University. He served as president of the American Educational Studies Association (2018–19) and editor of the Educational Studies journal (2014–17). A scholar of history, cultural studies, and education, his work addresses critical questions of race, gender, and sexuality from transnational and intersectional perspectives. His research has received funding from the US Department of Education, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and AERA-Spencer and Connaught foundations.
Hilton Kelly is dean of liberal arts and humanities and professor of sociology at Livingstone College in Salisbury, NC. He received his BA in history from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and both his MS in labor studies and PhD in sociology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Kelly was the 2018 president of the American Educational Studies Association. In 2010, he published Race, Remembering, and Jim Crow’s Teachers in the Routledge Studies in African American History and Culture Series. His articles have appeared in Urban Education, Educational Studies, the Urban Review, the Journal of Negro Education, the American Sociologist, and Vitae Scholasticae: The Journal of Educational Biography.
Boni Wozolek, Silvia C. Bettez, Roland Sintos Coloma, Hilton Kelly; The Queer Love Project: AESA, Fatigue, and Building the Body of an Organization. GLQ 1 April 2020; 26 (2): 223–226. doi:
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