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Journal Article
Genre (2011) 44 (1): 93–104.
Published: 01 March 2011
... and courses (one volume for each year). Thus far, two volumes have been published, Séminaire: La bête et le souverain, Volume 1 (2001–2002) and Volume 2 (2002–2003) , published in 2008 and 2010, respectively. (In 2009 the University of Chicago Press inaugurated the translation of the series into English...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (2): 267–295.
Published: 01 July 2017
...Bill Knight In their ongoing rejection of what I call “ethical retirement,” Sarah Fielding's pair of novels, David Simple (1744) and Volume the Last (1753), mobilize a satirical criticism of mid-century worldly conceptions of the ethical worth of private and privative individualism. The works...
Journal Article
Genre (2014) 47 (2): 231–253.
Published: 01 July 2014
... Foucault's contemporaneous critique of the law in The History of Sexuality , volume 1, while indicating the law's continued relevance for attempts to theorize sexuality and power in terms of a productive relation. Each writer's experience in the sexual underground provided him with an awareness...
Journal Article
Genre (2016) 49 (3): 359–383.
Published: 01 December 2016
...Rod Rosenquist With an examination of a number of memoirs by and about modernist authors and artists published during the 1930s, this article raises questions about the complex relationship between the high-art subjects of these volumes and the popular forms of gossip and celebrity anecdote...
Journal Article
Genre (2010) 43 (1-2): i.
Published: 01 March 2010
... The title of Jesse Schotter's article in Genre volume XLII, numbers 1 & 2 was mistakenly listed as “Adaptation Liberal and Conservative: Benito Cereno and Robert Lowell's Literary and Radical Politics” in the Table of Contents and on the issue's back cover. The correct title, which appears...
Journal Article
Genre (2023) 56 (3): 309–320.
Published: 01 December 2023
... of the Edinburgh Companion , who describe the volume as “a wide-angle shot of what we might call ‘essay studies’ today” (4). Theirs is not the first use of this term but represents its most deliberate deployment to identify and authorize a field of study. 1. These are two of the epithets most often cited...
Journal Article
Genre (2010) 43 (3-4): 239–277.
Published: 01 September 2010
... by others as ‘soundless verses9 4 Zhang Yanyuan (8 5-907 Lidi Minghuaji (A Chronicle of Famous Painting), volume Xu hua zhi yanliu (On the Origin of Painting). 5 郭熙Guo xi (about 023- 085 Huayi (Picturesque) the second article in 致》Linquan gaozhi(On Landscape Painting). 6 feng Yingliu ( 7480...
Journal Article
Genre (2010) 43 (3-4): 459–465.
Published: 01 September 2010
...: it is uncanny to start a Postface in another lan- guage. But this whole volume is uncanny: strange, disquieting, stranger to itself. Among the authors gathered here, some may appear familiar because they have more circulation among us, as if their language were already part...
Journal Article
Genre (2000) 33 (1): 13–26.
Published: 01 March 2000
... of Past Years volume II ( London : John Murray , 1879 ). Hazard Paul . Leopardi ( Paris : Blond , 1913 ). Hegel G.W.F. . Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline ( New York : Continuum , 1990 ), edited by Behler Ernst and translated by Taubeneck...
Journal Article
Genre (2008) 41 (3-4): 59–82.
Published: 01 September 2008
... , 2008 . Coover Robert . “ Literary Hypertext: Passing of the Golden Age .” Feed Magazine ( 2000 ). Available online at < http://nickm.com/vox/golden_age.html > . Dirda Michael . Bound to Please: An Extraordinary One-Volume Literary Education: Essays on Great Writers...
Journal Article
Genre (2000) 33 (3-4): 361–372.
Published: 01 September 2000
...Luke Carson Benjamin Walter , The Arcades Project , trans. Eiland Howard and McLaughlin Kevin , prepared on the basis of the German volume edited by Tiedemann Rolf . Cambridge MA and London, England : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press , 1999 © COPYRIGHT 2001...
Journal Article
Genre (2012) 45 (3): 443–469.
Published: 01 December 2012
... in Poland.” In Memorial Books of Eastern European Jewry: Essays on the History and Meaning of Yizker Volumes , edited by Horowitz Rosemary , 107 – 21 . Jefferson, NC : McFarland . Allen Brooke . 2002 . Review of Everything Is Illuminated , by Foer Jonathan Safran . Atlantic...
Journal Article
Genre (2008) 41 (1-2): i.
Published: 01 March 2008
... 2008 GENRE CONTENTS Volume XLI, Numbers 1 & 2—Spring/Summer 2008 The Cardinal's Parrot: A Natural History of Reformation Polemic Bruce Boehrer 1 The Literary Lives of Sir John Soane's House Museum...
Journal Article
Genre (2010) 43 (3-4): 353–368.
Published: 01 September 2010
... to thank Ron Day and Matteo Mandarini for reviewing the translation and suggesting many very helpful revisions. WORKS CITED Beaufret Jean . 1974 . Dialogue avec Heidegger volume III ( Paris : Èditions du Minuit ). Cacciari Massimo . 1976 . Krisis: Saggio sulla crisi del...
Journal Article
Genre (2013) 46 (3): 345–365.
Published: 01 December 2013
... . Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press . Gaiman Neil . 2001 . American Gods . New York : Harpertorch . ———. 2003 . The Sandman: Endless Nights . New York : Vertigo . ———. 2006 . The Absolute Sandman: Volume One . New York : Vertigo (nos. 1 – 20) . ———. 2007...
Journal Article
Genre (2024) 57 (1): 95–99.
Published: 01 April 2024
... two decades of struggle with the meanings of history, not just in how those meanings are explored as ideas in this volume but in the extraordinarily intricate patterns of sonic and thematic echoes and inversions that reverberate within words, between verses, and across the volume as a whole. Gottlieb...
Journal Article
Genre (2010) 43 (3-4): 337–352.
Published: 01 September 2010
... improved the translation significantly. WORKS CITED Marx Karl . 1973 . Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy (Rough Draft) ( New York : Penguin ), trans. Nicolaus Martin . ---. 1976 . Capital Volume One ( New York : Vintage ), trans. Fowkes Ben...
Journal Article
Genre (2010) 43 (1-2): 91–113.
Published: 01 March 2010
... and New York : Routledge , 2007 . 38 - 47 . Print . Stein Gertrude . “American Crimes and How They Matter.” How Writing is Written: Volume II of the Previously Uncollected Writings of Gertrude Stein . Ed. Haas Robert Bartlett . Santa Barbara : Black Sparrow Press , 1977 . 100...
Journal Article
Genre (2021) 54 (1): 17–42.
Published: 01 April 2021
.... An actual twin does not manifest until the last page of the first volume, and he makes his appearance in a reality that has been attenuated by a preceding scene where Karen murders all her monsters and retreats into the safe space of the “Green Island” that she has always imagined in her mother's eye...
Journal Article
Genre (2000) 33 (2): 129–149.
Published: 01 June 2000
... an 'Anne Louise d'Orleans, Duchesse de Montpensier, Divers Portraits (Caen, 1659). This volume was published privately and only 60 copies were circulated. Since there are 59 portraits in the anthol- ogy, it would appear that Montpensier published one copy for each contributor to the gallery. Mont...