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quantitative analysis

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Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (1): 1–18.
Published: 01 April 2017
... is currently working on a book on the idea of tradition in novels and literary criticism. © 2017 by University of Oklahoma 2017 This content is made freely available by the publisher. It may not be redistributed or altered. All rights reserved. data distant reading quantitative analysis...
Journal Article
Genre (2014) 47 (1): 1–19.
Published: 01 April 2014
... of literature under the mask of objectivity. This essay aims to reveal the pseudoscientific nature of distant reading as applied to the analysis of literary genres. In “Conjectures on World Literature” (2000) Moretti discusses two basic cognitive metaphors: the tree and the wave. These and other metaphors...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (1): 59–75.
Published: 01 April 2017
... of scale that must be thought at the same time that it cannot be thought. But why not count? Given the turn to quantitative analysis across the human- ities and the new interest in statistics in literary studies, I want to ask whether the Victorian novel’s refusal to count might throw light...
Journal Article
Genre (2010) 43 (3-4): 307–326.
Published: 01 September 2010
..., that underlie words themselves and that would only be manifestations of struc- tures of signification appearing on the plane of speech [parole]. It is this last type of analysis that will be practiced here.4 1-2 If one can describe the ideational field of “love...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (1): 19–38.
Published: 01 April 2017
... in the fact that the nineteenth century, a fertile ground for quantitative literary study, saw the opening of a sustained debate about the understructure of statistical groups that fundamentally sus- tain (but complicate) data analysis. Venn’s work also offers a rationale for the metaphors of generic...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (1): 139–152.
Published: 01 April 2017
... Heuser Ryan Jockers Matthew Moretti Franco Witmore Michael . 2012 . “Quantitative Formalism: An Experiment.” n+1 , no. 13 , nplusonemag.com/issue-13/essays/quantitative-formalism-an-experiment . Bayes Thomas Price Richard . 1763 . “An Essay towards Solving a Problem...
Journal Article
Genre (2012) 45 (2): 239–268.
Published: 01 June 2012
..., 9). Fleissner replaces “the notion of naturalist determinism with the more nuanced concept of compulsion” to account for the “repetitively compul- sive everyday actions” (ibid.) on which so many fin de siècle heroines fixate. I build on Fleissner’s analysis by arguing that the quantitative...
Journal Article
Genre (2006) 39 (4): 43–63.
Published: 01 December 2006
.... Acknowledgements: I am grateful to my research assistants Jan Andres, Fritzie De Mata, An Do, Mardi Joaquin, Caroline Lam, Katherine Lee, Naushin Husain, Sharon Tang- Quan, Aileen Zhao, Peng Zhou, and especially Alisha Woo for their aid with the quantitative analysis of Asian American literature. I also...
Journal Article
Genre (2010) 43 (3-4): 289–305.
Published: 01 September 2010
... that the distributive is a definite quantitative, whereas the general is indefinite, that the first designates countable objects, the second, uncountable ones” (6-0). Further analysis in sections 6 and 7 allows him to account for plural vs. singular quanti- tatives (as he has re...
Journal Article
Genre (2019) 52 (3): 229–235.
Published: 01 December 2019
... poetics he is inter- ested in the broader, more quotidian effects of electronics (16) and his method from digital humanities (DH). Echoing a now fairly familiar critique of quantitative methods for literary study, particularly Franco Moretti s brand of dis- tant reading, Perlow argues that DH...
Journal Article
Genre (2008) 41 (3-4): 149–175.
Published: 01 September 2008
... note. It was the criteria and the plural; 2 See Page (forthcoming) for a quantitative analysis of the comments and hyperlinks in a smaller subsection of the data sample. 156 GENRE breasts. Once again I found myself mulling over the role...
Journal Article
Genre (2010) 43 (1-2): 199–205.
Published: 01 March 2010
... discussions like the account of the contemporary metropolis or the global hegemony of biopolitical production rely too much on qualitative analysis at the expense of quantitative data. Many such readers, however, would likely have already made that same critique of Empire and Mul...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (1): 117–137.
Published: 01 April 2017
...” and “quantitative” methods, argu- ing (as I am here) that seemingly opposed practices are dialectically related and therefore that it is “impossible not to move between [those] poles.” While his analysis moves nimbly between scales of synchronic analysis, it does not address the antinomy of synchronic...
Journal Article
Genre (2000) 33 (3-4): 247–256.
Published: 01 September 2000
... out- set, suffused with a critique of the possibility of ever carrying out the scientific project that was nevertheless the condition of possibility for structural analysis. And Derrida's book showed that much the same was true of the pilot science of linguistics: necessarily based on premises...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (1): 97–116.
Published: 01 April 2017
... Orleans. Her scholarly interests include the history of the novel in prose and verse and large-scale textual analysis. In addition to an article on George Eliot published in ELH , she has coauthored three pamphlets on quantitative studies of form with Stanford University's research collective...
Journal Article
Genre (2010) 43 (1-2): 61–90.
Published: 01 March 2010
... and Willa Cather: An Intellectual Network,” Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial Newsletter 39 ( Winter 1995 ): 69 - 72 . Rosaldo Renato . Culture and Truth: the Remaking of Social Analysis . Boston : Beacon Press , 1989 . Rose Phyllis . “The Case of Willa Cather.” Modernism...
Journal Article
Genre (2021) 54 (2): 221–244.
Published: 01 July 2021
..., the nineteenth-century Russian critic Vissarion Belinsky ( 1974 : 181) dubs Alexander Pushkin's novel in verse Eugene Onegin ( Evgenii Onegin , 1833) “an encyclopedia of Russian life,” he is delighted by both how much , quantitatively, Pushkin “managed to express and imply” about “the world of Russian nature...
Journal Article
Genre (2005) 38 (3): 257–280.
Published: 01 September 2005
... between America and the rest of the world—as though those were the only two zones that an analysis of globalization needs name or consider. Friedman takes Jordan as a particularly revealing lens for understanding the American face of globalization since #23's dominance in the NBA analogizes U.S...
Journal Article
Genre (2014) 47 (2): 199–229.
Published: 01 July 2014
... the geo- graphic vagueness that readers could reasonably assume about her setting, given 1. For an influential discussion of postwar suburban discontent, see Riesman 1958. For a skepti- cal appraisal of the discontent narrative, see Jurca 2001. 2. For a convincing analysis of “detachment...
Journal Article
Genre (2002) 35 (3-4): 599–624.
Published: 01 September 2002
... escalating rates of imprisonment and poverty in the U.S. Indeed, while Shorris claims that those who know poverty least proceed "as if poverty was merely quantitative and labor was God's own panacea" (337), Shorris himself proceeds as if poverty were merely qualitative and study of the humanities were...