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Journal Article
Genre (2011) 44 (2): 157–180.
Published: 01 June 2011
...Michelle Koerner This article examines the use of George Jackson's prison letters in the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and argues that the citations of Jackson in the books Deleuze wrote with Félix Guattari and Claire Parnet are best understood as an insinuation of the black radical tradition...
Journal Article
Genre (2023) 56 (1): 69–80.
Published: 01 April 2023
...Jeanne-Marie Jackson Abstract This article pairs the arguments of Cultural Capital with those of Ghanaian decolonial philosopher Kwasi Wiredu. Writing around the same time as Guillory, Wiredu proposes a distinctive mode of decolonization, one focused on concepts rather than syllabi or curricula...
Journal Article
Genre (2005) 38 (4): 413–442.
Published: 01 December 2005
... New Orleans, 1850-1900 .'' Creole New Orleans: Race and Americanization . Eds. Hirsch Arnold R. Logsdon Joseph . Baton Rouge : Louisiana State U P , 1992 . Martí José . Introduction to Helen Hunt Jackson, Ramona: Novela Americana . In Obras Completas , vol. 24 . Havana...
Journal Article
Genre (2013) 46 (3): 393–418.
Published: 01 December 2013
... in the 1930s, which present-­day scientists have learned is an ancient alien device that allows interplanetary travel through artificial wormholes. The plot is straightforward. The army sends an expedi- tion, commanded by Col. Jack O’Neil (Kurt Russell) and accompanied by the Egyptologist Daniel Jackson...
Journal Article
Genre (2006) 39 (2): 329–346.
Published: 01 June 2006
...Karen Weekes COPYRIGHT © 2007 BY THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA 2007 WORKS CITED Abod Jennifer . `` Audre Lorde: A Radio Profile .'' Conversations with Audre Lorde . Ed. Hall Joan Wylie . Jackson : UP of Mississippi , 2004 . 158 - 163 . Anatol Giselle Liza...
Journal Article
Genre (2002) 35 (3-4): 407–428.
Published: 01 September 2002
..., and Self-Making in Nineteenth-Century America . New York : Oxford University Press , 1997 . Jackson George . Blood In My Eye (1972) . Baltimore : Black Classic Press , 1990 . James Joy . Resisting State Violence . Minneapolis : Univ. of Minnesota Press , 1996 . Melucci...
Journal Article
Genre (2002) 35 (3-4): 479–493.
Published: 01 September 2002
...: Afro-American Worksongs from Texas Prisons . Collected and ed. Jackson Bruce . Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard UP , 1972 . Woods Clyde . Development Arrested: The Blues and Plantation Power in the Mississippi Delta . New York : Verso , 1998 . JAZZ IN JAIL: THE SUPPLEMENT...
Journal Article
Genre (2023) 56 (1): 1–13.
Published: 01 April 2023
... is that “every field and subfield of the literary humanities should have its Cultural Capital .” In “John Guillory, Meet Kwasi Wiredu: A 1990s Guide to the Future English Department,” Jeanne-Marie Jackson considers the arguments of Cultural Capital from the perspective of African philosophy...
Journal Article
Genre (2014) 47 (2): 199–229.
Published: 01 July 2014
... Consumption in Postwar America . New York : Knopf . Creighton Joanne V. 1979 . Joyce Carol Oates . Boston : Twayne . Daly Brenda . 1996 . Lavish Self-Divisions: The Novels of Joyce Carol Oates . Jackson : University Press of Mississippi . Darden Joe T. Hill Richard...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (3): 397–419.
Published: 01 December 2017
... the reception history of romantic literature in miniature. In that history an incredibly varied collection of literature was slowly reduced to — and ultimately identified with — short, med- itative poems about nature. We might, with Virginia Jackson (2008, 183), call this history one of “lyricization...
Journal Article
Genre (2022) 55 (1): 67–71.
Published: 01 April 2022
... refers to the reconstruction of specific reception histories and literary-institutional histories, rather than to political or economic history as an interpretive horizon for poetry. The new lyric studies, inaugurated by Yopie Prins's Victorian Sappho (1999) and Virginia Jackson's Dickinson's Misery...
Journal Article
Genre (2024) 57 (1): 1–23.
Published: 01 April 2024
... the differences between applications specific to fantasy and those appropriate to other forms of expressive art. Nor is it clear how affordances differ from other ways of characterizing fantasy, such as impulse (Manlove 1983 ), subversion (Jackson 1981 ), strategies (Attebery 1992 ), and rhetorics (Mendlesohn...
Journal Article
Genre (2004) 37 (1): 47–64.
Published: 01 March 2004
... 28.3 ( Spring 2003 ): 618 - 649 . Elgrably Jordan Plimpton George . `` The Art of Fiction: James Baldwin .'' Conversations with James Baldwin . Ed. Standley Fred L. Pratt Louis H. . Jackson & London : UP of Mississippi , 1989 . 232 - 254 . Frazier Franklin...
Journal Article
Genre (2009) 42 (1-2): 33–60.
Published: 01 March 2009
... Press : Princeton, NJ 1984 . Benson Jackson . The True Adventures of John Steinbeck, Writer . Viking : New York , 1984 . Benson Jackson J. Loftis Anne . “ John Steinbeck and Farm Labor Unionization: The Background of In Dubious Battle. American Literature . A Journal...
Journal Article
Genre (2013) 46 (1): 57–78.
Published: 01 April 2013
... in a Georgian Age: A Theory of Romantic Genre.” Texas Studies in Language and Literature 33 : 349 – 71 . Jackson Virginia . 2005 . Dickinson's Misery: A Theory of Lyric Reading . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press . Jost Walter . 1998 . “ ‘The Lurking Frost’: Poetic...
Journal Article
Genre (2019) 52 (3): 229–235.
Published: 01 December 2019
...) flashes words faster than a human can read. Along the way Perlow pays extended attention to the work and 230 GEN RE critical reception of Gertrude Stein, Jackson Mac Low, Frank O Hara, Amiri Baraka, and Allen Ginsberg. He argues that the electrification of American verse cultures has energized...
Journal Article
Genre (2023) 56 (2): 179–207.
Published: 01 July 2023
... the terms in a treatise on chemistry,” he acknowledges the immense importance of such a project. We know such precision is actually quite possible, as demonstrated in recent scholarship on poetic history; works by Yopie Prins ( 1999 : 2014) and Virginia Jackson ( 2023 , 2005 ; see also Jackson and Prins...
Journal Article
Genre (2019) 52 (3): 237–238.
Published: 01 December 2019
... Press. 238 GEN RE Müller, Timo. 2018. The African American Sonnet: A Literary History. Jackson: Uni- versity Press of Mississippi. Ong, Yi- Ping. 2018. The Art of Being: Poetics of the Novel and Existentialist Philoso- phy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Owens- Murphy, Katie. 2018. Lyrical...
Journal Article
Genre (2007) 40 (1-2): 57–79.
Published: 01 March 2007
...: The Literary Life in the Midwest, 1900-1920 . New York : Appleton-Century , 1966 . Lears T. J. Jackson . “ Sherwood Anderson: Looking for the White Spot .” The Power of Culture: Critical Essays in American History . Ed. Fox Richard Wrightman Lears T. J. Jackson . Chicago : University...
Journal Article
Genre (2016) 49 (2): 117–134.
Published: 01 July 2016
... . Translated by Khazeni Dorna . San Francisco : Believer Books . Jackson Shirley . (1959) 1984 . The Haunting of Hill House . New York : Penguin . Citations refer to the 1984 edition . Joshi S. T. 1990 . The Weird Tale . Austin : University of Texas Press . Kelly...