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Journal Article
Genre (2009) 42 (3-4): 21–39.
Published: 01 September 2009
Journal Article
Genre (2009) 42 (3-4): 145–166.
Published: 01 September 2009
... L. Historical Fiction . Westport : Libraries Unlimited , 2005 . Print . Knight Peter . Conspiracy Culture . New York : Routledge , 2000 . Print . ---. “A Nation of Conspiracy Theorists.” Introduction. Conspiracy Nation . Ed. Knight . New York : New York UP...
Journal Article
Genre (2023) 56 (2): 209–232.
Published: 01 July 2023
... purpose, seeking to remedy American ignorance of the past. However, Vidal's practice suggests a deep awareness of the limitations of the genre. His late‐career novel Live from Golgotha (1992) faces the limitations of historical fiction directly. Reading this novel alongside Linda Hutcheon's concept...
Journal Article
Genre (2024) 57 (2): 189–194.
Published: 01 July 2024
... novels, sickly and stupid German tragedies,” all of which, Goodman argues, “ inhere in the act and practice of reading ” (67–69). Wordsworth's reader is already reading symptomatically; her historical conditions determine what and how she reads, and like a pathologist, we might trace these distant...
Journal Article
Genre (2016) 49 (2): 135–158.
Published: 01 July 2016
...Fiona Price This article reads Lovecraft's weird fiction in relation to his historically minded eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century precursors. In his essay “Supernatural Horror in Literature” (1927) the first text Lovecraft focuses on at length is Horace Walpole's Castle of Otranto (1764...
Journal Article
Genre (2012) 45 (3): 423–441.
Published: 01 December 2012
...Sabrina Ovan This article provides a comparative reading of “ Las Meninas ,” Michel Foucault's opening essay in The Order of Things , and the historical novel Q , written by the Italian collective known as Luther Blissett. Foucault's opening chapter, a close reading of Diego Velázquez's 1656...
Journal Article
Genre (2016) 49 (1): 27–50.
Published: 01 April 2016
...Siân E. White This article explores how Elizabeth Bowen's novel The Last September relies on a spatial aesthetic to convey interpersonal and political tensions, corresponding with the novelistic trend toward greater historical and political engagement that recent scholars have deemed “late...
Journal Article
Genre (2019) 52 (1): 1–23.
Published: 01 April 2019
... with the future, as the historical novel, inheriting from its nineteenth-century exemplars and moving beyond its postmodern incarnations. New York 2140 also proves innovative in its treatment of the relationship between individual and general, particular and universal, which has always been central to critical...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (1): 19–38.
Published: 01 April 2017
..., and numerical (depicting patterns of counting and aggregation). Serial thinking also speaks to the problematic generic identity of Desperate Remedies in Hardy's oeuvre and to broader difficulties of genre designation through its historical and formal relation to problems in inductive logic. The novel enacts...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (1): 117–137.
Published: 01 April 2017
..., elaborated by Roland Barthes in S/Z , has only sharpened since the literary humanities' digital turn. Eliot's famous surprise ending restarts the world-historical clock and seems to come from nowhere; yet it also seems slowly and inevitably to have been building all along. The novel's famous flood event...
Journal Article
Genre (2011) 44 (1): 75–91.
Published: 01 March 2011
... of the human imagination that opposes the dialectical tradition of idealist rationality associated with Kant and Hegel. Leopardi's thinking parallels Nietzsche's in several important ways: both offer a critique of dialectical concepts of historical progress; both attack the rise of nationalism and its...
Journal Article
Genre (2011) 44 (2): 157–180.
Published: 01 June 2011
... into French philosophy in the 1970s. Emphasizing the influence of Jackson's writing on the Deleuzian concept of a “line of flight,” this article aims to extend recent historical accounts of the circulation and translation of Soledad Brother in the 1970s (enabled by Jean Genet and the Prison Information Group...
Journal Article
Genre (2012) 45 (1): 9–27.
Published: 01 March 2012
... from modernism, only repressed.” The essay thus traces the repression and reemergence of lyric poetry in art-historical discourse from the work of Clark's precursor Clement Greenberg through Clark's later books, Farewell to an Idea and The Sight of Death . The discussion ends with an imagined dialogue...
Journal Article
Genre (2013) 46 (1): 57–78.
Published: 01 April 2013
...Margaret Ronda This essay examines a georgic inheritance in American poetry that reconfigures the disenchanted character of Virgilian georgic in light of the changing historical conditions of capitalist modernization. These poems, rather than portraying agrarian labor as a figure for social...
Journal Article
Genre (2014) 47 (2): 141–170.
Published: 01 July 2014
... thousand pages of an eleven-hundred-page novel. Their meeting in 1920s Hollywood demonstrates not only the historical collision of print and visual media but also the latter's eclipse of the former. Reading Merle's Integroscope as anticipating later Internet technology, this essay ends by grappling...
Journal Article
Genre (2013) 46 (3): 285–315.
Published: 01 December 2013
... path. Rather, it enables a wider, more measured point of view characterized by stronger attention to the historical and cultural contexts of travel. © 2013 by University of Oklahoma 2013 Works Cited Alexander Caroline . 1990 . One Dry Season: In the Footsteps of Mary Kingsley . New...
Journal Article
Genre (2014) 47 (2): 199–229.
Published: 01 July 2014
...Andrew Reynolds American postwar suburbanization is rarely—if ever—discussed through the rhetorics of postmodernism and globalization. The suburban novel genre contributes to the view of the suburbs as detached from such sweeping historical developments. Indeed the characteristic discontent found...
Journal Article
Genre (2014) 47 (2): 231–253.
Published: 01 July 2014
... of the historical antagonism between the law and urban queer subcultures. Each writer also saw this antagonism as linked to the cop's privileged place in the conventionalized representations of gay pornography. Rechy maintained that men's cop fetish revealed the ways the law set punishment as the enabling condition...
Journal Article
Genre (2015) 48 (1): 99–118.
Published: 01 April 2015
..., a cemetery that invites people to use it as public space. After a historical overview of the American burial ground, the essay positions the cemetery in the current debate on public space. As the epitaphs of Spoon River and act 3 of Our Town typify, the cemetery is a contested site, open to constant...
Journal Article
Genre (2015) 48 (3): 383–404.
Published: 01 December 2015
... India. The author reads the male protagonists in the novel and the film and the film's implied viewers as improving subjects—characters and spectators that marry a capitalist's desire to turn waste to profit and a New Historical impulse to uncover hidden narratives and make them count. She argues...