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Journal Article
Genre (2011) 44 (2): 157–180.
Published: 01 June 2011
... proposes that Deleuze's encounter with Jackson contributes to recent attempts to think the relation between blackness and fugitivity and demonstrates how such thinking challenges structuralist accounts of subjectivity associated with the Althusserian concept of ideology. © 2011 by University of Oklahoma...
Journal Article
Genre (2011) 44 (2): 105–128.
Published: 01 June 2011
....” Past and Present , no. 118 ( February ): 25 – 64 . Žižek Slavoj . 2003 . The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . Bread God, Blood God: Wonderhosts and Early Encounters with Secularization c. j. g o r d o n , u n i v e r s i...
Journal Article
Genre (2012) 45 (3): 359–393.
Published: 01 December 2012
... overlooked: the colonial settler heroine. Reading beyond King Solomon's Mines (1885), She (1887), and Allan Quatermain (1887), male imperial romances that have almost exclusively been allowed to represent Haggard's vast body of work, we encounter female colonial leadership on the South African frontier...
Journal Article
Genre (2012) 45 (2): 269–298.
Published: 01 June 2012
...Benjamin Mangrum Virginia Woolf's first novel, The Voyage Out , disputes the manner in which its characters appropriate literary texts for their political interests. Woolf delivers this challenge through Rachel Vinrace's ill-fated voyage, which culminates in a series of disorienting encounters...
Journal Article
Genre (2013) 46 (2): 117–121.
Published: 01 July 2013
...Franco “Bifo” Berardi Franco Berardi narrates his initial encounter with Antonio Negri in 1967 and his growing involvement with Potere Operaio (Workers' Power), which led to his expulsion from the Italian Communist Party, of which he had been a dissident member. He discusses the emergence...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (1): 77–95.
Published: 01 April 2017
... on “odds” and rational decision making, his encounters with statistics in his parliamentary duties demonstrate how models of aggregation that mitigate chance and randomness cannot be reconciled with or incorporated into individual experience. Thus this essay argues that the novel's form, including its...
Journal Article
Genre (2015) 48 (2): 289–313.
Published: 01 July 2015
... a handbook on Malay, later translated into Latin, English, and other languages, when he joined a 1598–99 Dutch East Indies voyage to Aceh. Imprisoned by the sultan, he also wrote an account of his experience. The textual materials produced by this encounter include, aside from Houtman's own Dutch account...
Journal Article
Genre (2015) 48 (2): 315–340.
Published: 01 July 2015
... play in Atlantic and Indian Ocean trade networks. Yet in southern Africa travelers who encountered Khoekhoe people often described them simply as wilden , or savages. Their choice to employ this catchall category of otherness at the Cape of Good Hope and several other sites around the world correlated...
Journal Article
Genre (2022) 55 (1): 55–59.
Published: 01 April 2022
... turns to the world of expressive culture (primarily individual poems and essays) to show how artists have imagined what he calls “black worlds.” He uses this term to describe aesthetic imaginaries that situate texts as spaces of encounter that allow personas to navigate racialized vulnerability without...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (2): 267–295.
Published: 01 July 2017
..., and figures of xenophobia or instrumentalize the encounter with the other, that which finds itself exposed to the other in the midst of an event, surprised by the eruption of something that anticipation had not already converted into epistemological certainty or prejudice. See Attridge 2004...
Journal Article
Genre (2004) 37 (3-4): 531–539.
Published: 01 September 2004
... commodity for sale. More specifically, how- ever, it is the suspenseful and contingent relation between owners of labor power and owners of money/capital that forms the basic presupposition. The CMP emerges if, and only if, this relation of encounter is established, necessarily and inexorably...
Journal Article
Genre (2004) 37 (3-4): 540–545.
Published: 01 September 2004
...- tion of selling their only remaining commodity for sale. More specifically, how- ever, it is the suspenseful and contingent relation between owners of labor power and owners of money/capital that forms the basic presupposition. The CMP emerges if, and only if, this relation of encounter...
Journal Article
Genre (2004) 37 (3-4): 546–550.
Published: 01 September 2004
... commodity for sale. More specifically, how- ever, it is the suspenseful and contingent relation between owners of labor power and owners of money/capital that forms the basic presupposition. The CMP emerges if, and only if, this relation of encounter is established, necessarily and inexorably...
Journal Article
Genre (2009) 42 (1-2): 165–186.
Published: 01 March 2009
... by Heart of Dark- ness. I got no sense that the book had made a big difference to them. Unmethodical criticism of the sort which one occasionally wants to call 'inspired' is the result of an encounter with an author, character, plot, stanza, line or archaic...
Journal Article
Genre (2015) 48 (2): 119–129.
Published: 01 July 2015
... Muslim-­Christian conflict of what has been seen as the first modern European encounter with India, the episode in fact reveals how, with well-­established routes and networks, the Indian Ocean was already a transcul- turated sphere when Europeans arrived. Rather than discovering absolute differ...
Journal Article
Genre (2013) 46 (3): 285–315.
Published: 01 December 2013
... supposedly neutral and objective stories about encounters with difference” (ibid 3. See John Zilcosky (2008, 6), for instance, who remarks, “Travel writing’s intertextuality, already present in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, became more explicit and playful in the MAPPING GENRE...
Journal Article
Genre (2021) 54 (2): 311–316.
Published: 01 July 2021
... formal commitments. Lewis argues alongside critics like David James that formalism is both modernism's legacy and its promise, for it is by attending to form that we encounter the political and social purchase of literature. Keeping in mind the expansive goals of the new modernist studies, Lewis aims...
Journal Article
Genre (2000) 33 (3-4): 279–317.
Published: 01 September 2000
... of another's desire, too. The act of decision hangs suspended as an illusory freedom of choice: Buffy is the universal slayer, fending off bad object choices (a.k.a. vampires) as she constructs the fantasmatic commodity of herself. Buffy the Vampire Slayer encountering Whitman's ghost...
Journal Article
Genre (2013) 46 (2): 175–182.
Published: 01 July 2013
... convinced, in a special relationship of equality. For me, in the context of this volume, the best way to celebrate the occasion of Toni’s eighti- eth birthday is to reflect on the nature of our encounter and our collaboration. I met Toni in Paris in the summer of 1986, year three of his fourteen...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (2): 181–200.
Published: 01 July 2017
... (another label used for recent interdisci- plinary encounters with the sea), in other words, remain firmly oriented around human life. Yet human life is not what it used to be. A rethinking of the relations between human and nonhuman forms of life has recently been initiated under the rubric...