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distant reading

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Journal Article
Genre (2014) 47 (1): 1–19.
Published: 01 April 2014
...Maurizio Ascari Does Franco Moretti's notion of “distant reading” really provide a liberating and democratic approach to literature, as it promises? Far from opening new perspectives, distant reading may actually blunt our critical faculties, inviting us to inadvertently adopt biased views...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (1): 59–75.
Published: 01 April 2017
...Caroline Levine This essay contends that the most canonical realist novelists refused both close and distant reading. The realist novel seems to go out of its way to avoid statistics, but at the same time it insists that we must move beyond attending to a few exceptional examples. The problem...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (1): 117–137.
Published: 01 April 2017
..., seen in light of the ambiguous textual details or “advance mentions” anticipating it, turns out to radicalize the formal or properly aesthetic tension between duration and event, sequence and structure, that animates structuralist method no less than certain varieties of distant or machine reading...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (1): 1–18.
Published: 01 April 2017
... is currently working on a book on the idea of tradition in novels and literary criticism. © 2017 by University of Oklahoma 2017 This content is made freely available by the publisher. It may not be redistributed or altered. All rights reserved. data distant reading quantitative analysis...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (1): 19–38.
Published: 01 April 2017
... . Oxford : Oxford University Press . Moretti Franco . 2013 . Distant Reading . London : Verso . Neil Samuel . 1853 . The Art of Reasoning: A Popular Exposition of the Principles of Logic, Inductive and Deductive, with an Introductory Outline of the History of Logic . London...
Journal Article
Genre (2020) 53 (3): 253–258.
Published: 01 December 2020
... of surface reading, even as a site of disagreement. Maybe Eisen- drath doesn t want her interpretations to feel tied to a particular critical moment (though, refreshingly, her introduction does target the supposed objectivity of distant reading with a conviction that made me want to stand up and cheer...
Journal Article
Genre (2022) 55 (1): 27–48.
Published: 01 April 2022
... Copyright © 2022 by University of Oklahoma 2022 I want to round off this definitional discussion by briefly reporting on an extensive mapping, undertaken by means of “distant reading” methods (Moretti 2013 ), of US and UK foreignizing crime fiction after 2000. Drawing on library catalogs, online...
Journal Article
Genre (2021) 54 (2): 221–244.
Published: 01 July 2021
... . Mendelson Edward . 1976 . “ Encyclopedic Narrative: From Dante to Pynchon .” MLN 91 , no. 6 : 1267 – 75 . Moretti Franco . 2013 . Distant Reading . London : Verso . Patterson Christopher B. , Polley Jason S. , and Thien Madeleine . 2017 . “ Beneath the Slogans...
Journal Article
Genre (2016) 49 (3): 303–329.
Published: 01 December 2016
... David , 249 – 61 . London : Verso . ———. 2000 . The Way of the World: The Bildungsroman in European Culture . Edited by McKeon Michael . Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press . ———. 2013 . Distant Reading . London : Verso . Mullett Mary B. 1990...
Journal Article
Genre (2017) 50 (1): 139–152.
Published: 01 April 2017
... truly grasp the media situation — and hence the roles of narrative and data — of this period. Franco Moretti’s recent work on “distant reading” and related projects from the Stanford Literary Lab also exemplify an informatics approach that, for princi- pled reasons, does not see the Victorians...
Journal Article
Genre (2006) 39 (3): 39–56.
Published: 01 September 2006
... plausible sense, then, given that so little of the action takes place in the literal context of the 1853 US expedition to Japan, might A Son of Satsuma be read as an adventure story about US-Japan relations - about being with Perry in Japan? As Munroe's awareness of the simultaneity of distant...
Journal Article
Genre (2003) 36 (3-4): 317–340.
Published: 01 September 2003
... Painting and Maps. 320 GENRE between perspective images and geogra- phy, it also reminds us that the practices of Western perspective and geography are themselves bound up with the larger scales of commerce and empire, as well as their distant and often...
Journal Article
Genre (2003) 36 (3-4): 271–293.
Published: 01 September 2003
... . Linebaugh Peter Rediker Marcus . The Many-Headed Hydra: Sailors, Slaves, Commoners, and the Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic . Boston : Beacon , 2000 . Lippard Lucy R. “Introduction.” Distant Relations/Cercanias Distantes/Clann I Gcèin: Chicano, Irish, Mexican Art...
Journal Article
Genre (2003) 36 (3-4): 251–270.
Published: 01 September 2003
...-shirts and other ephemera, depicting the blue and green globe suspended in space with a big arrow pointing to an arbitrary point on its surface. The caption reads, "You are here." The image tropes the location-find- ing maps familiar from malls, parking lots, and other mass consumer locations...
Journal Article
Genre (2024) 57 (2): 189–194.
Published: 01 July 2024
... novels, sickly and stupid German tragedies,” all of which, Goodman argues, “ inhere in the act and practice of reading ” (67–69). Wordsworth's reader is already reading symptomatically; her historical conditions determine what and how she reads, and like a pathologist, we might trace these distant...
Journal Article
Genre (2010) 43 (3-4): 219–237.
Published: 01 September 2010
..., reading through the classical books of China in the Tsinghua University at twenty-three, and later study at the University of 1 Guan Zhui Bian. Qian’s title has three layers of meaning which is difficult to capture in English. It suggests “his imbedded name...
Journal Article
Genre (2013) 46 (2): 117–121.
Published: 01 July 2013
... was seventeen years old, I was a member of the Federazione Giovanile Comunista (Young Communist Federation), I had read the books of Herbert Mar- cuse and Jean-­Paul Sartre, and I had begun to read Operai e capital (Workers and Capital), the Mario Tronti book that had recently appeared. We set up...
Journal Article
Genre (2000) 33 (2): 225–226.
Published: 01 June 2000
..., and the experience of human suffering. Although I differ with Aravamudan about readings of some specific works, there is no question in my mind that this is a superb—indeed award-winning—study, a must-read for teachers and stu- dents of the eighteenth century. Throughout his readings of works by Behn...
Journal Article
Genre (2000) 33 (2): 227–230.
Published: 01 June 2000
... of travesty, parodic inver- sion, and the experience of human suffering. Although I differ with Aravamudan about readings of some specific works, there is no question in my mind that this is a superb—indeed award-winning—study, a must-read for teachers and stu- dents of the eighteenth century...
Journal Article
Genre (2000) 33 (2): 231–236.
Published: 01 June 2000
..., and the experience of human suffering. Although I differ with Aravamudan about readings of some specific works, there is no question in my mind that this is a superb—indeed award-winning—study, a must-read for teachers and stu- dents of the eighteenth century. Throughout his readings of works by Behn...