Gender Studies Collection
For more than 25 years, Duke University Press has sought to frame and reframe the fields of gender and sexuality studies, foregrounding underrepresented voices from around the world. The Gender Studies collection's over 800 titles include essential, discipline-defining works in gender studies, gay and lesbian studies, transgender studies, transnational women’s studies, and queer and feminist theory. These books take an intersectional approach to issues of gender, race, and sexual orientation, casting a critical eye on the ways these issues affect every aspect of society. Featuring some of the most significant thinkers in the field—Sara Ahmed, Lauren Berlant, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Jack Halberstam, Imani Perry, and Alexis Pauline Gumbs—this collection is the backbone of any gender studies program.
Titles with forthcoming publication dates appear in the collection's search results after publication. All publication dates are available on the title list at dukeupress.edu.
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