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Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2011) 58 (2): 293–321.
Published: 01 April 2011
...Néstor I. Quiroa The highland Guatemala títulos are part of a corpus of colonial Mesoamerican indigenous texts composed by native authors in the middle of the sixteenth century. These texts present an “official” version of native “history” based on the precolonial oral tradition and influenced...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2022) 69 (1): 135–136.
Published: 01 January 2022
...Owen H. Jones Land, Politics, and Memory in Five Nijai’ib’ K’iche’ Títulos: “The Title and Proof of Our Ancestors.” By Mallory E. Matsumoto ( Boulder : University of Colorado Press , 2017 . viii + 423 pp., figures, maps, tables, preface, acknowledgments, introduction, bibliography...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2016) 63 (3): 469–495.
Published: 01 July 2016
...Mallory E. Matsumoto Abstract The colonial-era documents commonly referred to as títulos were composed in Maya communities of the Guatemalan highlands in the context of significant societal change following the initial Spanish conquests in the region in 1524. Based on detailed analysis of five...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2012) 59 (4): 675–690.
Published: 01 October 2012
...John F. Schwaller This article examines the practice of ordaining young men because of their personal language ability, a process referred to as an ordination a título de lengua . As a result of reforms codified by the Catholic Church in the Council of Trent, prospective priests were required...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2013) 60 (4): 693–719.
Published: 01 October 2013
... Social Guatemalteca, Publication no. 38 . Guatemala City : Editorial José de Pineda Ibarra . 2009 Título Nijaib I. In Crónicas Mesoamericanas II . Carcache Horacio Cabezas , ed. Pp. 97 – 123 . Guatemala City : Universidad Mesoamericana . Carmack Robert M. Mondloch James L...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2015) 62 (3): 597–621.
Published: 01 July 2015
... speaks to issues commonly found in colonial encounters, while inviting deeper engagement with translation as a special site where colonial relations are constructed. Copyright 2015 by American Society for Ethnohistory 2015 translation Chontal Maya practice título genre References...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2019) 66 (1): 185–188.
Published: 01 January 2019
.... Other innovative articles on Mesoamerica followed Burkhart’s “Solar Christ,” using similar methodologies, such as Stephanie Wood’s (1991) fascinating study of late colonial títulos in her “Cosmic Conquest” article. Lisa Sousa and I were inspired by Wood’s work to publish a transcription...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2004) 51 (1): 203–205.
Published: 01 January 2004
..., or despised. They were portrayed not asdeitiesormonstersbutashumans59). Wood also examines títulos primordiales, a manuscript genre that emerges after 1650, during a time when the Spanish invasion was a dis- tant memory but many communities were enjoying a demographic recovery that brought them...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2012) 59 (2): 323–351.
Published: 01 April 2012
... Chumbimaycha LYµ P) Guatca R¯À ½° doña Isabel Caxaquilla JdHµ P) Lurigancho R·Á ¹° doña Maria Guacha RAC) Chuquitanta R·Á ²° don Fernando Nacara RACµ C) Collique ·² Sources: 1. “Título de una chacra y tierras que Pedro de Garate poseia en el valle de laMagdalena . . . (1641 Archivo...
Published: 01 July 2016
Figure 1. Map of contemporary Guatemala showing select Highland Maya communities mentioned in the Nija’ib’ and other títulos cited in this article. Detail of image PIA03364, courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/NIMA, modified by the author More
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2008) 55 (2): 251–285.
Published: 01 April 2008
... program of the dispersed population. Título primordial de San Bartolomé Capulhuac, in Los títulos primordiales del centro de México, ed. Paula López Caballero (Mexico City, 2003); Wood, Transcending Conquest, 122, 124, 128, and 181. 282...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2018) 65 (4): 696–697.
Published: 01 October 2018
... known as primordial titles ( títulos primordiales ), which incorporated local oral histories and with which towns sought to confirm and legitimize territorial claims or individuals their noble status. Indigenous coats of arms were solicited, copied, and falsified in various parts of Mexico across...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2003) 50 (2): 349–400.
Published: 01 April 2003
... the mid–seventeenth century. Some scholars have referred to them as títulos primordiales (primordial titles): título denotes that the document is essen- tially a claim to land; primordial refers to the antiquated origins to which...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2022) 69 (1): 53–79.
Published: 01 January 2022
... 1994 ; Van Akkeren 2007 : 59–67). For K’iche’ writers in the second half of the sixteenth century, the historical facts were inseparable from their cosmic significance. A terse passage from the Título de los Nimak Achi de Totonicapán explained: “We are all together here in San Miguel, when the king...
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Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2013) 60 (4): 637–662.
Published: 01 October 2013
... American Antiquity 10 ( 3 ): 259 – 80 . Relaciones Geográficas de la Diocésis de Michoacán, 1579–1580 1958 Guadalajara : Colleción Siglo XVI . With notes by José Corona Núñez . Roskamp Hans 1998 La historiografía indígena de Michoacán: El lienzo de Jucutácato y los títulos de...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2018) 65 (3): 517–521.
Published: 01 July 2018
... (1973) and the Títulos de los Señores Coyoy (1993); and Harvest of Violence (1988) are but five of his acclaimed titles as author, translator, and editor. A practitioner of, and contributor to, the field of ethnohistory since the endeavor and the journal that carries that name were first invoked...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2018) 65 (2): 269–295.
Published: 01 April 2018
... World .” In Chivalry in the Renaissance , edited by Anglo Sydney 253 – 62 . Woodbridge : Boydell Press . Carmack Robert M. , and Mondloch James L. 1983 . El título de Totonicapan: Texto, traducción y comentario . Mexico City : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2015) 62 (3): 409–420.
Published: 01 July 2015
... documents such as títulos (titles) become increasingly abundant, blossoming from the sixteenth to the seventeenth century. From families to guilds of professionals, Mixtec, Maya, Nahua, and other authors developed ways of creating texts in forms not intended, both Introduction...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2015) 62 (3): 553–572.
Published: 01 July 2015
... Judith Hill Robert M. II 2006 Kaqchikel Chronicles . Austin : University of Texas Press . 2010 Título B'oko': Escrituras de tierras mayas kaqchikeles en el siglo XVII . Mesoamérica 52 : 111 – 41 . McKillop Heather 1996 Ancient Maya Trading Ports and the Integration...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2000) 47 (2): 281–331.
Published: 01 April 2000
... the boundary sites had to be demonstrated. It is very explicit in its character of título primordial and as such may have functioned in a land dispute with neighboring villages. The toponymic hieroglyphs were embellished accord...