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Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2003) 50 (2): 315–347.
Published: 01 April 2003
...Joshua A. Piker In the last generation, scholars intent on removing “tribe”from their narratives of colonial-era Native American history have repeatedly invoked “community” in its place. This development notwithstanding, community-centered projects are rare; Indian towns now appear...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2007) 54 (4): 761–762.
Published: 01 October 2007
...Joshua Piker Crossing Waters, Crossing Worlds: The African Diaspora in Indian Country. Edited by Tiya Miles and Sharon P. Holland. (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006. xx + 364 pp., foreword, preface, acknowledgments, bibliography, index. $23.95 paper.) American Society for Ethnohistory...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2011) 58 (4): 738–739.
Published: 01 October 2011
...Joshua Piker The Second Creek War: Interethnic Conflict and Collusion on a Collapsing Frontier . By Ellisor John T. . ( Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press , 2010 . vi + 497 pp., introduction, maps, bibliography, index . $50.00 cloth.) Copyright 2011 by American Society...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2006) 53 (4): 753–764.
Published: 01 October 2006
... of Nebraska Press, 2004. xii + 338 pp., map. $59.95 cloth.) Okfuskee: A Creek Indian Town in Colonial America. By Joshua Piker. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004. xi + 270 pp., map, illustrations. $45.00 cloth.) Creek Country: The Creek Indians and Their World. By Robbie Ethridge. (Chapel...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2021) 68 (3): 429–448.
Published: 01 July 2021
... . Piker Joshua . 2004 . Okfuskee: A Creek Indian Town in Colonial America . Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press . Piker Joshua . 2013 . The Four Deaths of Acorn Whistler: Telling Stories in Colonial America . Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press . Saunt Claudio...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2015) 62 (2): 241–261.
Published: 01 April 2015
..., and Coosa Rivers. Steven C. Hahn has shown that by 1763, multiple forces molded the Creek people into a confederacy employing territory-­based con- cepts of nationhood and national leadership.3 Still, as Joshua Piker points out, town and clan loyalty remained the center of each Creek’s “social, eco...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2013) 60 (4): 581–603.
Published: 01 October 2013
... Public Records Office, Colonial Office class 5, reel 7, vol. 78, ed. Randolph Boehm, University Publications of America, Frederick, MD, 1984 (hereafter BPRO CO-5 3 Joshua Piker, Okfuskee: A Creek Town in Colonial America (Cambridge, MA, 2004), 5–7. 4 Joshua Piker, “White...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2023) 70 (3): 259–278.
Published: 01 July 2023
... by Friend Craig Thompson and Glover Lorri , 49 – 70 . Athens : University of Georgia Press . Piker Joshua Aaron . 2003 . “ ‘White and Clean’ and Contested: Creek Towns and Trading Paths in the Aftermath the Seven Years’ War .” Ethnohistory 50 , no. 2 : 315 – 47 . Richter...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2012) 59 (3): 489–513.
Published: 01 July 2012
.... Hahn, The Invention of the Creek Nation, 1670–1763 (Lincoln, NE, 2004), considers diplomatic and familial networks; Joseph M. Hall, Zamumo’s Gifts: Indian- European Exchange in the Colonial Southeast (Philadelphia, 2009), examines gift- giving networks; Joshua Piker, Okfuskee...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2016) 63 (4): 595–619.
Published: 01 October 2016
...: Tomochichi’s Trans-Atlantic Quest for Traditional Power in the Colonial Southeast .” Ethnohistory 60 , no 4 : 605 – 35 . Piker Joshua 2011 “ Lying Together: The Imperial Implications of Cross-Cultural Untruths .” American Historical Review 116 , no. 4 : 964 – 86 . Quaife M. M...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2008) 55 (3): 465–490.
Published: 01 July 2008
... Correlates of Ranked Societies. American Antiquity 42 : 421 -48. Perdue, Theda 1998 Cherokee Women: Gender and Culture Change, 1700-1835 . Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Piker, Joshua 2004 Okfuskee: A Creek Indian Town in Colonial America . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2020) 67 (4): 579–602.
Published: 01 October 2020
...,” as Joseph Hall has pointed out, but that remained as the most meaningful center of Southeastern Indian life, historians have shown an increasing willingness to look to the local level to understand how native peoples organized their lives (Bohaker 2006 : 36–37; Hall 2009 : 16; Piker 2004...
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Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2015) 62 (1): 145–167.
Published: 01 January 2015
..., Coushatta People, 11–12; and Joshua Piker, Okfuskee: A Creek Indian Town in Colonial America (Cambridge, MA, 2004), 115–18. 22 Frank W. Porter III, “Basketry of the Middle Atlantic and Southeast,” in The Art of Native American Basketry: A Living Legacy, ed. Frank W. Porter III, Con...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2013) 60 (4): 763–765.
Published: 01 October 2013
... the Yuchi sign treaties with the Creeks. Historian Stephen Warren describes the special relation- ship between the Yuchi and the Shawnee, stressing their common history as marginalized groups in the Creek sphere while both maintained their independent identity. Historian Joshua Piker analyzes Yuchi...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2013) 60 (4): 765–767.
Published: 01 October 2013
... and the Shawnee, stressing their common history as marginalized groups in the Creek sphere while both maintained their independent identity. Historian Joshua Piker analyzes Yuchi movements and alliances during the eighteenth century. He finds that the Yuchi often maintained long-­term personal...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2013) 60 (4): 767–768.
Published: 01 October 2013
... the Yuchi sign treaties with the Creeks. Historian Stephen Warren describes the special relation- ship between the Yuchi and the Shawnee, stressing their common history as marginalized groups in the Creek sphere while both maintained their independent identity. Historian Joshua Piker analyzes Yuchi...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2013) 60 (4): 769–770.
Published: 01 October 2013
... and the Shawnee, stressing their common history as marginalized groups in the Creek sphere while both maintained their independent identity. Historian Joshua Piker analyzes Yuchi movements and alliances during the eighteenth century. He finds that the Yuchi often maintained long-­term personal...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2013) 60 (4): 770–772.
Published: 01 October 2013
... the Yuchi sign treaties with the Creeks. Historian Stephen Warren describes the special relation- ship between the Yuchi and the Shawnee, stressing their common history as marginalized groups in the Creek sphere while both maintained their independent identity. Historian Joshua Piker analyzes Yuchi...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2013) 60 (4): 772–773.
Published: 01 October 2013
... the Yuchi sign treaties with the Creeks. Historian Stephen Warren describes the special relation- ship between the Yuchi and the Shawnee, stressing their common history as marginalized groups in the Creek sphere while both maintained their independent identity. Historian Joshua Piker analyzes Yuchi...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2013) 60 (4): 773–775.
Published: 01 October 2013
... the Yuchi sign treaties with the Creeks. Historian Stephen Warren describes the special relation- ship between the Yuchi and the Shawnee, stressing their common history as marginalized groups in the Creek sphere while both maintained their independent identity. Historian Joshua Piker analyzes Yuchi...