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Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2005) 52 (2): 291–331.
Published: 01 April 2005
...Paul Nadasdy Recent debates over the stereotype of the “ecologically noble Indian” have helped illuminate some of the ambiguities and complexities that characterize the relationship between indigenous peoples and environmentalism. But, while scholars engaged in this debate have examined...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2009) 56 (4): 569–588.
Published: 01 October 2009
...-Hispanic origin. Within each cabecera, the basic social and political units were lordly houses ( teccalli ), each headed by a lord ( teuctli ) and including junior nobles and nonnoble commoners who worked the lands of the house and provided it with other services. The proceedings of a number of early...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2012) 59 (2): 323–351.
Published: 01 April 2012
... Necessities”:
The Wills of Andean Commoners
and Nobles in the Valley of Lima, 1596–1607
Paul Charney, Frostburg State University
Abstract. This article is a detailed analysis of thirteen wills, perhaps tting for such
a short time span. It explores how Andean men and women...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2020) 67 (4): 687–688.
Published: 01 October 2020
...Ryan A. Bean Nobles de papel: Identidades oscilantes y genealogías borrosas en los descendientes de la realeza Inca . By Rocío Quispe-Agnoli . ( Madrid : Iberoamericana-Vervuet , 2016 . 264 pp., prologue, introduction, epilogue, bibliography, appendices, index. $29.80 paperback...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2010) 57 (3): 520–521.
Published: 01 July 2010
...Noble David Cook . By Charles F. Walker. (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2008. xv + 262 pp., acknowledgments, maps, tables, illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. $84.95 cloth, $23.95 paper.) American Society for Ethnohistory 2010 Pérez-Mallaína Bueno, Pablo Emilio 2001...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2013) 60 (2): 344–345.
Published: 01 April 2013
...Noble David Cook Beyond the Lettered City: Indigenous Literacies in the Andes . By Rappaport Joanne and Cummins Tom . ( Durham, NC : Duke University Press , 2012 . xvi + 350 pp., acknowledgments, introduction, illustrations, maps, bibliography, index . $94.95 cloth, $24.95...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2002) 49 (3): 611–649.
Published: 01 July 2002
... within, that nobility. The procession was held under the aegis of Our Lady of Loreto, and the article seeks to explain the significance of this representation of the Virgin for colonial Inca nobles and postconquest Inca culture. It was formed by the “descendants of Gran Tocay Capac Inga,” a composite...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2009) 56 (1): 91–123.
Published: 01 January 2009
...John K. Chance Marriage alliances among governing families were an important instrument of political integration in Postclassic Mesoamerica, especially in Mixteca. Alliances among Mixtec nobles persisted during the colonial period, although after the sixteenth century, the caciques lost much...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2020) 67 (2): 269–287.
Published: 01 April 2020
...Avis Mysyk; Edgar de Ita Martínez Abstract Throughout the colonial period, disputes over the inheritance of property were common among indigenous peoples, both nobles and commoners. From the outset, they became familiar with and adept at negotiating their interests from within the colonial legal...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2020) 67 (3): 407–428.
Published: 01 July 2020
...Lisa Sousa Abstract Nahua rulers, nobles, and warriors of the late postclassic and early colonial periods used feathers and elaborate feather costumes in a variety of political and sacred rituals. They acquired these prestige items through gift exchange, trade, conquest, and tribute. This article...
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Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2016) 63 (2): 273–300.
Published: 01 April 2016
... to the qualified appreciation of Indian culture that would emerge in the 1920s and 1930s. The popularity of James Earle Fraser’s statue The End of the Trail and other attractions mourning the loss of Indian culture may be understood as a shift toward an understanding of Indians as doomed noble “first Americans...
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Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2012) 59 (4): 691–711.
Published: 01 October 2012
... allowed St. Sebastian to be portrayed as a servant of God who,
like ecclesiastics and their Nahua aides, faced the difficulties of converting
nobles with New World vices.
The Necessity of Nahuatl
Upon their arrival in Mexico, and seeing the enormity of the task before
them, ecclesiastics...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2020) 67 (3): 529–530.
Published: 01 July 2020
... and provides students and scholars a necessary starting point for future works on Tetzcoco and the Acolhua peoples. From 1540 through the mid-1560s, Tetzcoco experienced a time of relative stability, with two Tetzcoca nobles, don Antonio Pimentel Ihuian and his nephew don Hernando Pimentel Ihuian...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2018) 65 (4): 696–697.
Published: 01 October 2018
...Rebecca Horn The iconography of indigenous coats of arms incorporated European and Mesoamerican heraldic conventions, creating something altogether new in the colonial period. Indigenous nobles were at times involved in the design, which demonstrated familiarity with Castilian heraldic symbols...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2010) 57 (1): 87–116.
Published: 01 January 2010
... of the Maya’s phonetic pre-Hispanic script,
which was limited to the Maya nobility, no doubt led to the easier adoption
of Latin syllables and letters, and the same noble Maya who knew how
to read the glyphs became the first Maya instructed in the Franciscans’
schools. The Maya...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2003) 50 (1): 15–45.
Published: 01 January 2003
... mortalidad en Tecali (Puebla): 1701-1801. Siglo XIX Revista de Historia(Monterrey) 4 (7): 219 -69. Carrasco, Pedro 1963 Las tierras de dos indios nobles de Tepeaca en el siglo XVI. Tlalocan 4 (2): 97 -119. 1976 Los linajes nobles del México antiguo.In Estratifición social en la...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2008) 55 (2): 251–285.
Published: 01 April 2008
... Cuauhtitlan inform us that Motecuhzoma installed his nephew,
Mazacoyotzin, as the local overseer until the Spaniards finally conquered
the area.12
When these towns were finally subdued, Axayacatl set up a permanent
hold over the valley by placing his nobles with their houses (ypilchan, as
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2002) 49 (2): 227–257.
Published: 01 April 2002
... Kongolese nobles. Records indicate that
individuals bore a baptismal name and a series of Kikongo names, which
Tseng 2002.5.16 16:06
236 Rebecca B. Bateman
were not family names...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2000) 47 (3-4): 838–840.
Published: 01 October 2000
...Matthew Restall By Pedro de Cieza de León. Edited and translated by Alexandra Parma Cook and Noble David Cook. (Durham, : Duke University Press,1998. xviii + 501 pp., prologue, introduction, maps, illustrations, notes,bibliography. $21.95 paper.) 2000...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2010) 57 (3): 445–466.
Published: 01 July 2010
..., caciques, y comunidades . Maarten Jansen and Luis Reyes García, coords. Cuadernos de historia latinoamericana No. 5. Pp. 265 –81. Leiden: Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos. 2005 Mixtec Codices and the Transition from Noble Estates to Corporate Communities in the Nineteenth...