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Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2023) 70 (2): 167–185.
Published: 01 April 2023
...Miranda Johnson Abstract The making of the bicultural state of Aotearoa New Zealand is the product of a distinctive postcolonial and neoliberal late twentieth-century history. In this context, a predominantly anglophone settler state finally responded to decades-long claims about Indigenous...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2012) 59 (3): 635–640.
Published: 01 July 2012
... Spirit: Guatemala under General Efraín Ríos Montt, 1982–1983 . By Garrard-Burnett Virginia . ( New York : Oxford University Press , 2010 . xvi + 269 pp., preface, contents, epilogue, notes, bibliography . $55.00 cloth.) Securing the City: Neoliberalism, Space, and Insecurity in Postwar...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2009) 56 (3): 515–520.
Published: 01 July 2009
... and antiglobalization protestors worldwide. Many questions remain regarding the meaning and role of the Zapatistas and their ubiquitous leader Sub- comandante Marcos for Mexico, for the Americas, and more generally for the world as neoliberal reforms peter out under the pressure of economic Ethnohistory 56:3...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2018) 65 (2): 326–327.
Published: 01 April 2018
...Donald Pollock Shamanism, Discourse, Modernity is a challenging study, but one that bristles with insights that every anthropologist and specialist on religion will find essential. Shamanism’s links to modern neoliberalism are obvious—the emergence of global shamanic businesses...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2023) 70 (2): 135–152.
Published: 01 April 2023
... and the administration of justice in Oaxaca, Mexico. The article begins by situating Oaxaca’s laws within the context of broader neoliberal reforms in Latin America characterized by the promulgation of multicultural constitutions recognizing the legal jurisdiction and cultural autonomy of Indigenous communities. Some...
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Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2023) 70 (2): 187–199.
Published: 01 April 2023
... marginalized communities. Drawing on debates in African history, it calls for a counterhegemonic approach to human rights that goes beyond possessive individualism and the neoliberal, state-centered rights model. To be truly universal, international human rights must take equal account of the communal...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2009) 56 (4): 733–739.
Published: 01 October 2009
... rightly characterized the most recent popular upheavals as symptoms of a “profound state crisis” having a dual nature. In the short term, according to García Linera, the crisis is one of the neoliberal model. However, he emphasizes, a la longue, the crisis is “an institutional and ideological one...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2002) 49 (4): 900–903.
Published: 01 October 2002
... occupied Quito’s main cathe- dral in to protest neoliberal adjustments required by international bankers; they responded (in Brysk’s terms) to ‘‘a ‘moral economy’ of protest for traditional rights and local power’’ In each country...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2023) 70 (2): 129–134.
Published: 01 April 2023
...Miranda Johnson; Yanna Yannakakis At the same time, neoliberal restructuring has generated inequality in wealth and access and ushered in a new era of resource extraction. Economic change has, in turn, forced Indigenous peoples to develop new collective strategies and promoted the restructuring...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2014) 61 (3): 597–599.
Published: 01 July 2014
.... In the midst of the worst violence in the 1980s, Maras began to flow back and forth from Los Angeles; Guatemala City had become a chaotic refugee camp followed by a postwar neoliberal state that abandons and demonizes poor, urban youth as delicuentes (delinquents) as top cover for state repression...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2020) 67 (2): 333–334.
Published: 01 April 2020
... industry, whose cost Taylor explores through the Foucauldian notion of governmentality—forms of neoliberal self-regulation and control. First, they do so by producing, comparing, and deploying strategies as to how to best exploit the tourist opportunities in their village. Second, they craft how...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2018) 65 (2): 336–337.
Published: 01 April 2018
... associated with mining and pollution, and how pollution “ came to matter ” (37). She strikes an eloquent balance between historical depth and ethnographic detail while analyzing how neoliberal policies promoted mining expansion as well as the development of a network of NGOs and advocacy groups that made...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2016) 63 (2): 447–449.
Published: 01 April 2016
... and other international financial institutions and free-trade agreements with the United States have brought Mexico in line with neoliberal regimes that shape rural landscapes and affect how commodities like corn are produced and consumed. One significant impact has involved the deepening of the country’s...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2016) 63 (3): 497–518.
Published: 01 July 2016
... 2013 “ Neoliberal Reckoning: Ecuador’s Truth Commission and the Mythopoetics of Political Violence .” In Neoliberalism Interrupted: Social Change and Contested Governance in Contemporary Latin America . Goodale Marck and Postero Nancy Grey , eds. Pp. 169 – 94 . Stanford, CA : Stanford...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2008) 55 (3): 491–496.
Published: 01 July 2008
... topics as land tenure, Indian cultural identity, the concept of patriarchy, the neoliberal Ethnohistory 55:3 (Summer 2008)  DOI 10.1215/00141801-2008-006 Copyright 2008 by American Society for Ethnohistory 492 Review Essay transformation...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2017) 64 (2): 322–323.
Published: 01 April 2017
... impulses were central to the successful campaign against water privatization in Cochabamba in 2000; the Aymara protests over water, land, and coca cultivation rights starting that same year; Chapare coca farmers’ resistance to forced eradication in 2000–2003; and the popular coalition against neoliberal...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2019) 66 (2): 393–394.
Published: 01 April 2019
... (neoliberal) political climate in which race-based inequality is explained in individualistic terms. Matory contrasts this situation with the experience of previous generations, most immediately the 1950s generation of his “three fathers”—his adviser, a family friend, and his biological father, respectively...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2016) 63 (2): 452–453.
Published: 01 April 2016
... the idea that, in the aftermath of the Cold War, liberalism and neoliberalism are the only valid systems of governmental practices (163). According to Scott, it leaves little space to question the role that liberal democracies have played in undermining and subverting the freedoms of legitimate “illiberal...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2023) 70 (2): 226–227.
Published: 01 April 2023
..., development, and equality predated the critique of neoliberalism and the Zapatista uprising in 1994. The rise of the Pátzcuaro Ethnolinguistic Program, decline of the SIL, and publication of school textbooks in twenty-two Indigenous languages (including Tutu sa’an ñuu savi , my first-grade Mixtec book...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2014) 61 (3): 599–600.
Published: 01 July 2014
... lives for themselves; many are not that lucky. That poor, working-­class youth serve as the detritus of a neoliberal Guatemalan state is a shameful tragedy. Notes 1 James H. McDonald and John P. Hawkins, “Fear, Control, and Power in an Unpredictable World,” in Crisis of Governance in Maya...