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Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2003) 50 (1): 131–150.
Published: 01 January 2003
...John Monaghan; Arthur Joyce; Ronald Spores Many estates in the Mixteca region of southern Mexico were controlled by the descendants of the Mixtec nobility well into the second half of the nineteenth century. Rather than view these estates, or cacicazgos , as the last gasp of the waning colonial...
Published: 01 July 2021
Figure 1. Cacicazgos of Espanola, 1492. Map by Richard Stone. More
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2001) 48 (3): 403–432.
Published: 01 July 2001
... of the cacicazgo of Tutepetongo but also lands and subject settlements within the cacicazgo. Despite their apparent relationship to the glyphs, the glosses do not translate the pictographic text. On the contrary, they reflect important changes in the indigenous conception of the cacicazgo. American Society...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2010) 57 (3): 445–466.
Published: 01 July 2010
...John K. Chance In her survey of the indigenous cacicazgo (lordly estate) in New Spain, Margarita Menegus Bornemann (2005) asks why previous studies of this hybrid Indian/Spanish institution have emphasized property and neglected the owners' seigniorial relations with their subject commoner...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2009) 56 (1): 91–123.
Published: 01 January 2009
... 2003 Transformation of the Indigenous Cacicazgo in the Nineteenth Century. Ethnohistory 50 : 131 -50. Pastor, Rodolfo 1981 Apendices al subcapítulo sobre los cacicazgos: Crónicas paralelas de los caciques y galerías de retratos familiares. In Campesinos y reformas: La Mixteca, 1748-1856...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2020) 67 (2): 269–287.
Published: 01 April 2020
... in Mexican Culture: Mexico and California .” California Law Review 54 , no. 2 : 946 – 1008 . Castañeda de la Paz María . 2008 . “ Apropiación de elementos y símbolos de legitimidad entre la nobleza indígena: El caso del cacicazgo tlatelolca .” Anuario de estudios americanos 65 , no. 1...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2021) 68 (3): 363–383.
Published: 01 July 2021
...Figure 1. Cacicazgos of Espanola, 1492. Map by Richard Stone. ...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2018) 65 (3): 465–488.
Published: 01 July 2018
...Max Deardorff Abstract This article examines the interplay among belief, devotion, and indigenous politics in the early colonial New Kingdom of Granada. It does so by examining changes in the cacicazgo of Tinjacá in relation to the growth of the cult around the Virgin of Chiquinquirá, whose image...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2003) 50 (1): 15–45.
Published: 01 January 2003
... hacienda de los Santiago en Tecali, Puebla: Un cacicazgo nahua colonial, 1520-1750. Historia Mexicana 47 (4): 689 -734. 2000 The Noble House in Colonial Puebla, Mexico:Descent, Inheritance, and the Nahua Tradition. American Anthropologist 102 : 485 -502. Chevalier, François 1952 La...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2016) 63 (4): 697–720.
Published: 01 October 2016
... colonialism encomienda cacicazgo land disputes noble Indians New Spain In early 1535 a group of Nahua (Aztec) noblemen appeared before the oidores (judges) of the Royal Audiencia of Mexico City, the colonial tribunal wielding supreme executive and judicial authority. Hailing from the altepetl...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2003) 50 (1): 221–230.
Published: 01 January 2003
... lands and hacienda holdings were those held as cacicazgos by indios principales (see articles by Sanders and Price; Chance; and Monaghan, Joyce, and Spores, this issue) and as cofradía lands (see articles by MacLeod...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2023) 70 (1): 65–93.
Published: 01 January 2023
... political relations tended to spread knowledge regarding imperial ethnonyms and promote the power of Native chieftaincies, these transformations by no means led Native groups to see themselves as homogeneous entities, nor did they abandon their pursuits of autonomy. In the region studied here, cacicazgos...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2003) 50 (1): 3–14.
Published: 01 January 2003
... that the outcome of this competitive process was highly variable. In some regions, Indian cacicazgos and palace estates more successfully monopo- lized land and labor than did Spanish haciendas and ranchos. The demise of indigenous...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2002) 49 (2): 259–280.
Published: 01 April 2002
... have been quite varied, but most Taíno groups evidently were chiefdoms, or cacicazgos, that ranged from simple two-level hierarchies to paramount chiefdoms, which, through the medieval eyes of the Spaniards, looked like feudal...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2003) 50 (1): 69–88.
Published: 01 January 2003
.... Ethnology 25 (2-3): 77 -232. Münch Galindo, Guido 1976 El cacicazgo de San Juan Teotihuacán durante la colonia, 1521-1821 . Colección científica, No. 32. Mexico: inah, Centro de Investigaciones Superiores. Paso y Troncoso, Francisco, ed. 1905 Papeles de Nueva España: Segunda serie...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2009) 56 (1): 125–161.
Published: 01 January 2009
... del XXV Convegno Internazionale di Americanistica (Perugia, Italy, 9-11 May 2003, and Xalapa, Mexico, 21-24 October 2003), 2 vols., pp. 29 -40. Perugia, Italy: Argo. 2008 Apropiación de elementos y símbolos de legitimidad entre la nobleza indígena: El caso del cacicazgo tlatelolca...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2018) 65 (2): 297–322.
Published: 01 April 2018
... Cuilapan” in 1717, and the eighteenth-century cacique’s authority, cacicazgo , of Magdalen Apasco (Taylor 1970 : 12, 14). 18 For an overview of findings on cacicazgos , see Chance 1996 : 689–92. For an overview of the literature on the topic of how cacicazgos developed, see Menegus Bornemann...
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Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2006) 53 (2): 383–392.
Published: 01 April 2006
... to the chief’s sister’s son or daughter, since this child would be more certainly a true descendant of the family line and (3), ‘‘if the cacique died without offspring, his sister’s son would not inherit the cacicazgo if the chief had a brother by the same father. Likewise...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2017) 64 (1): 150–151.
Published: 01 January 2017
... with what the Spanish called cacicazgo —a symbiotic power relationship shared by the cacique and the encomendero . The encomendero’ s authority was intimately entwined with that of the cacique . This hypothesis challenges the notion of a passive indigenous population and frames his conclusion...
Journal Article
Ethnohistory (2020) 67 (3): 529–530.
Published: 01 July 2020
... of the book, Benton traces the survival of the family and its cacicazgo , or entailed estate. He focuses on particular family lines, paying special attention to the noble women of Tetzcoco and their mestizo children, including the well-known writers and cousins, Juan Bautista de Pomar and Fernando de Alva...